Division are out

Here they are


these look pretty good, Archimedes is going to be a great devision again and i am going to have a great time. Also it seems that it was the same way as last year, and it balanced the teams nicely.

it may just be that alot of the very good teams have close numbers (45, 47… 236,237… 173,175,176)… maybe? :confused:

I don’t know if i should be happy, sad or scared to be in Archimedes!!! There are a lot of really top notch teams there. It’s going to be fun!!! :smiley:

newton has all of the buckeye champs in them…340, 67, 1126

Team 836 is in Archimedes!!! This is going to be a tough division.

i love it!

This is gonna be crazy TEAM 1126 TEAM 67 & and TEAM 340 2gether again!!! holders of the national record (mayb we can break 250 this time :smiley: ) oh man this is gonna be sic. i cant wait good luck to all in atlanta for the nats, and be ready to see us in the FINALS. lol.

oh yea i cant 4get our sisterteam the X-cats 191, well cheer eachother on yet again c u at nationals!!!

Curie will win it if tradition continues. That is that we have been in the winning div. every stinkin’ year. :confused:

138 is in Curie yet again. will we ever leave that division?!

we were in newton last year too… so don’t feel bad…it’s just the 1,2,3,4, thing that gets ya…

Is there any Sigfanece(sp) to the divisions like from highest to lowest?

no. some divisions can be stronger at times, but not intentionally

Oh Ok

Good news for us, we’re in Galileo, just like in 2001 (our best year ever)!

This is our teams first year going to championship. I was wondering how Newton is? Is it the newbes area or what? It looks that way to me.

No the divesions are drawn up randomly and supposedly equal. Newton acctually has some tough competition.

this will end this year… 'nough said… Arch IMO has the most competition WITHIN the division to deal with… its going to be a feat just to get to the semi’s of the division

Hopefully the tradition will continue :smiley:

But it won’t be an easy fight. (i mean graciously professional match :yikes: )

Lets just hope that a big ball / small ball robot makes it in there (not referencing team names or numbers to be unfair, but you know who I am talking about).

archimedes all the way this year!!!

hurrah for my pointless posts!