Division Bars

Can someone guide me to the thread of the division signature bars for the championship?

There are the basic ones. I believe there are some others out there but hopefully those will suffice.

Here is the original thread for the user bars. http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/showthread.php?t=46864&highlight=division+userbars

Ok guys, can someone pm me and guide me step by step as to how to put CURIE in my signature?

I’ve tried, really I have.

Tralalala, please note the beauty below!
Thank you Pikat, AndyB, and Danny McC

Sometimes it takes a village…sigh

How to i get it into my signature? Copy and paste isnt working

To insert into your sig. please refer to my posts in the original thread. :slight_smile:

For everyone’s convenience, i’ll post the instructions right here.

Place the following in your signature(without the *):


note that the code above posts the curie banner.

hope it works out for you guys!

if you’d like Edison or Franklin (FTC teams) see this post: http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/showpost.php?p=735210&postcount=81

As you can see in my signature i still dont have it. Can somebody find any errors in the code thats there? Any help? Thanks in advance and for all the help this season!

delete the * before IMG