I was recently a volunteer at the Niles District FRC event. I got to meet the dj for the event and learn about the job. How can you become a dj for an event? Do you have to be over 18? Do you have to be ceritifed in music production or something? I think it would be a fun job to do for a day and then let someone be the dj for Saturday (I’m an Adventist).
FIM’s DJs are a mix of volunteers and paid professionals. I would contact one of the event coordinators (contact information here: http://www.firstinmichigan.org/FRC_2012/frc_2012_season.html) to see if they’d be willing to let you shadow their DJ(s) until you’ve learned enough that you can do it yourself.
Best of luck!
And of course, there’s my (desperately needed to be updated) whitepaper on Chief Delphi that you can look at. I DJed the Kettering regional for a number of years, just cuz I loved FIRST music & had access to Kettering’s radio station.
Thank you!
Not entirely related, but just because you ask/are on first name basis with/are a DJ, it doesn’t mean that he/she will play a song/genre for you. Those DJ’s are under a tight leash as to what they can play, and unfortunately will not play music from a genre for teams.
Just saying