I can’t tell if the doubled score of the uber and the tube in front is part of the base score that is doubled if you have triangle-circle-square.
Consider the bottom row:
set with no uber = 6
set with one uber = ??
could be 10, 12 or 16 as I calculate.
<G66>If three LOGO PIECES form a LOGO, the assigned points from the SCORING PEGS in that row of that SCORING GRID are given as an additional LOGO BONUS, effectively doubling the score of the row.
To me, this says that whatever the score on that row of that grid is gets doubled. For your example, if you have one ubertube somewhere in the LOGO row, you get (1+1+2)*2=8, + auto bonus (2 points), so 10 points for a single ubertube.
The Uber with a logo in front both counts for its own 2/4/6 points (auto bonus) and the 2/4/6 points for the logo piece in front.
Uber alone: 2/4/6
Logo alone: 1/2/3
Uber + Logo (total): 4/8/12
I was kinda confused on what you were trying to explain but here is what our team came up with.
In our example we will use the top row.
-points scored in Autonomous are double the value. There for assuming we score all three ubers at top you get 18 points.
-Next ubers double the points scored on its peg
-Assuming you get the FIRST logo on the top peg row you would get 6 points for each piece (because of the uber bonus) times the logo bonus therefore you get 36 points total.
-Add 18 to that and the perfect total for the third row would be 54 points.
That’s not how I interpret it
<G64> The AUTONOMOUS SCORE is the sum of points determined by the positions of the three ALLIANCE UBERTUBES at the conclusion of the AUTONOMOUS PERIOD. The AUTONOMOUS PERIOD ends when the ARENA timer reaches zero seconds.
Note that the ubertubes go to the AUTONOMOUS SCORE, not the SCORING PEGS
<G65> The PEG SCORE is the sum of points determined by the positions of the GAME PIECES on each SCORING GRID. A LOGO PIECES HANGING in front of an UBERTUBE doubles the points for that SCORING PEG. The table below gives the value for each GAME PIECE HANGING on a SCORING PEG.
Key here is that the ubertube doubles the points on the SCORING PEG
<G66> If three LOGO PIECES form a LOGO, the assigned points from the SCORING PEGS in that row of that SCORING GRID are given as an additional LOGO BONUS, effectively doubling the score of the row.
Only the points on the SCORING PEGS are doubled, and no reference is ever made to the AUTONOMOUS SCORE.
So, my interpretation is that the doubling does not include the base score for having an ubertube there, but it does include the double points for a tube in front of the ubertube.
Exactly what we are having difficulty with! If you look at rule G62 and the ones around it, we interpreted it as the autonimous mode uber placings as being calculated separately; therefore, if you get an ubertube on the top peg, then the six points would be calculated; then, when you get the logo up there, you would only count the triangles and stuff as being doubled, and not add in the six points from each ubertube, so it would be 54 points. Good luck!
So sorry about this: the chief strategist just retracted his decision and is not quite sure; he is now leaning towards 72, but will have his decision in the morning. Again, really sorry about this.
What is the reason for the word “effectively” in rule <G66>? Either the score is doubled or it is not doubled. What is an “effectively” doubled score?
It does not appear to be (tubes+ubertube)x2, and the bonus is that they count an additional tube’s worth of points for each peg. If there is no ubertube, then it does double the score.
For the following we came up with 18 points:
Middle row: red triangle over ubertube, white circle, blue square
4 pts - ubertube
4 pts - red triangle over ubertube
2 pts - white circle
2 pts - blue square
6 pts - logo bonus
The logo bonus is based the “assigned value” for the scoring pegs, not the actual score value for any individual scoring pegs. At least this is how we are interpreting the rule.
This is because the logo is counted separately as the LOGO BONUS. It is not part of the PEG SCORE. So it does add double, but it doesn’t actually double the peg. It just increases the LOGO BONUS, without any change to the PEG SCORE.