Do you have buttons? We need pictures of them!

We are looking for a picture of as many buttons as you can for a special award at Nationals. What we need is something like a pile of team buttons from different teams.

Thanks in advance!
Alex Dinsmoor

If you’re wondering, Team 201 is going :smiley:

A couple of buttons on this pic from

hold i have a lot of buttons XD i just have to get them out of my bag lol and take a pic ill edit in about 10min
sorry if the pics are a bit big

Here’s some:

I don’t have pictures of the buttons themselves, but I have the graphics used to make them. Here are five of them; I’ll attach the others in a separate note.

MOE Button 1.gif
MOE Button 2.gif
Moe Button 4.gif
Moe Button 5.gif
Moe Button 6.gif

MOE Button 1.gif
MOE Button 2.gif
Moe Button 4.gif
Moe Button 5.gif
Moe Button 6.gif

The other two

MOE Button 3.gif
Moe Button 7.gif

MOE Button 3.gif
Moe Button 7.gif

Thanks everyone for the pictures! We will be sure to use them!

I will post a picture of team 2177’s bow when I get a chance to take a picture of it.
Good Luck

I did like the bows, same with my younger cousin who I gave the bow to.

Here’s a button that I know the team is pretty proud of! :slight_smile:



Here’s one of SPAM’s new buttons. The text along the side says “The Lunchmeat of Super Heroes”.

WatchSPAM Button.jpg

WatchSPAM Button.jpg

From your friends at 245:

Team 2062 has 6 different types of buttons this year, but unfortinately, we will not be at nationals this year. srry i dont have any pics at the moment.

Here are the buttons 1640’s currently using. [click for large-size]](](](](](

Other two.](](