Do you recommend BATTERY GENESIS batteries?

do you recommend BATTERY GENESIS batteries?

Do you mean this battery?

You can search for “NP18-12” on CD and find discussions. These are widely used, but unless you link to an exact model from a specific vendor, it’s hard to say more.

After last season, we are making our battery box a little larger and padding it to soak up some of the impulse energy from collisions. We physically beat up several of our batteries to the point they were not reliable by the end of the season. One stopped working altogether, even though it was from a very well-regarded manufacturer. One had the case crack so that it leaked. Last season was rough.

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Our team uses Duracell batteries and have had good luck. Also, if you’re making new batteries, I would recommend using grasshopper nuts and doing some research on other ways to ensure a better connection and decrease resistance, also using 4 awg instead of 6 awg is better! Good luck!

Some of the best batteries in our team’s history were Genesis batteries. We had one from the 2012 season that finally gave up in early 2020.

Why is 4 awg better than 6 awg? Resistance? Does it really make a noticeable difference?

It can reduce stress on components and overall is just slightly better as it is able to carry more current and thus will have less of a voltage drop over long distances. its not worth making the change if you already have perfectly good 6awg batteries but if you’re rebuilding them why not, right? Just good practice, same as making the wires as short as possible, it doesn’t have a major effect, but its just good practice to do.