Do you use Kotlin? Make sure FIRST knows

Last year, the FRC usage reporting showed a single Kotlin team. However, I’m sure there are more teams using Kotlin.

This year the FRC IntelliJ IDEA plugin and Kotlin for FRC will be reporting Kotlin from their templates.

But there’s probably teams who use Kotlin that don’t start with one of those projects. If you use Kotlin, add the following line to your RobotInit() method, tInstances.kLanguage_Kotlin);


If you’re using Kotlin, don’t forget to set this before you go to competition.

Last chance for teams going to championship to make sure they report Kotlin


Guys I think we should report Kotlin.


I think scouters should ask for Kotlin


Judges should hand out the kotlin award for the team that uses kotlin.


All jokes aside. I’m really considering playing with Kotlin this summer, or at least learning more about it. I see that there is an extention for vscode. Will have to see…


Depends how you look at it, but the creativity award :wink:
Honestly, Kotlin is pretty cool. Personally I think it looks a bit bad so we’re gonna stay with java


Just out of curiosity, what did you see about Kotlin that was bad? We have used it for the past 2 years and have really liked it


I’m just less fond of the overall looks of the language.
For example: val and var. I’d rather declare an actual type. I know you can, but it’s too much for anyone to do. And I think the type should come before the variable name. Just the way you can make sure all of the info is right there in front of you (after all this is a typed language). You can read “This is a string named text that contains x”
I know, Java has a var keyword. Imo, if someone writes it in his code, that’s something that won’t pass a CR. Just declare the actual type.

I have a couple more things that I like more about how java looks but I think there’s also a strong case for Kotlin. At the end it just comes down to personal preference.


Yeah, those were hesitations we had when initially switching to Kotlin, but, for our team at least, we didn’t really have any issues with the lack of type annotations (admittedly we are a small team, so we typically only have 2-3 people programming each year).

We ended up really liking the null safety and the way Kotlin does things like enums and data classes, but as you said its definitely personal preference.