Does a ubertube score count if you are touching it at the end of autonomous???

Does a ubertube score count if you are touching it at the end of autonomous???:confused:


I believe the tube must be hanging independently on the peg for it to count.

From several interpretations, the consensus is that if the peg is keeping the UBERTUBE where it is (as apposed to your manipulator holding it in place), then it is considered HANGING. If not, it is not considered HANGING, and therefore does not count.

Basically, as long as your manipulator isn’t the thing holding it in place, and the peg is, you’re good.

As an aside on the specific legality of the rules, I would try to get away from your scoring rack during Auto, just in case the refs are sticklers about manipulator contact after auto. Ours is (currently) set up to do such a thing.

Edit: it’s midnight, I could really care less if I repeat myself, but I have a sneaking suspicion that this will be a major hubub at Regionals, and therefore would like to see as many interpretations as possible, so teams can understand.

Simply look at the definition of HANGING:

HANGING – a GAME PIECE is HANGING when it is fully supported by a PEG through its center hole and released by the POSSESSING ROBOT. If a GAME PIECE on the floor is preventing a GAME PIECE that has been hung on a bottom PEG from becoming fully supported (that is, if the floor GAME PIECE was not there, the hung GAME PIECE would be scored) then that GAME PIECE will still be counted as scored.

It says a GAME PIECE must be fully supported on the PEG and must be released - no longer in POSSESSION. It doesn’t say anything about touching.

Don’t make it hard on yourself and don’t give the referees opportunity to say it was not released - make it obvious it was released if at all possible.