Does anyone actually plan on playing rough?

With all the pinning and dragging and pushing and rough housing rules. Is anyone actually planning on taking advantage of them in the slightest of ways in their strategies?

Well, as far as the fact that there will definetly be a lot of pushing and shoving, practically every team I’ve talked to is planning on having ample structural integrity, I believe…

On the “Offense” side of things, the Sea Dawgs (team 258) have pledged to help repair any damage we do to another team during competition. I hope other teams decide to do this, as well, considering the amount of damage that will possibly be inflicted.

At the behest of Bill, I am going to explicitly state that we are not planning on, and will not, going to intentionally harm another robot, my statement was referring to any hypothetical damage that is caused during a match.

I applaude the Sea Dawgs sportsmanship. Team SPAM (Team 180) has adopted that philosphy in the past and is planning on using it again this year.

About the only things we are planning on pushing around are the goals. But pity the team that wants to get in to a shoving match. :wink:

However, blocking an opponent is also in the gameplan.

I’m hoping that there will be only a few teams that are going to go out to specifically damage a bot. They can and should be weeded out during the alliance selection process.

pulling robots will happen.

I hope someone doesn’t break us.

If so then we put on the heavy equipment on. And beware!

We plan on scoring alot of points using balls and goals if someone breaks the part we do this with. then we go and use our heavy equipment to use other robots for our points.

This year will be fun :smiley:


It is a ‘given’ with this game that there will be a lot of pushing and pulling contests of robots attempting to get the goal(s) in the desired zone for scoring.

I suspect that most of the pushing and pulling will involve multiple robots attached to or pushing on the same goal(s), rather than robots in contact with each other.

Our team’s strategies do involve pushing, but it is limited to goal-movers. Since ball-movers have a higher CG and might be more fragile, we dont plan to mess with them (unless they try to get our goals). We have also ruled out pushing robots to our endzone unless they are somehow disabled. I dont think its worth the points to risk tearing up your drive.

My team (GRT, #192) isn’t planning on causing damage to other robots. We still might cause some damage, but thats not our goal. We want to win fair and square. I don’t want to see this become Battle Bots.

Here, Here!

Colin, my team (MVRT 115) and I full hardely agree with that last statement. As for me and the drivers we are aware that everyone is gonna be pushing and pulling each other, and we hope to do what we did a few years ago (2000) only push other robots when we absolutely have to. As for everyone else, I hope you choose to do the same, and for those pushing and pulling, try not to hurt anyone :wink:

Coming down to the last week.

No intentional damage from us.

None of that “damage” stuff with be distributed intentionally by 668. I somtimes worry about us being on the recieving end of some less-than-kind acts, though… :confused: