Does anyone have the FRC ISO?

Hi I am the programmer for the Pirates(354). I was out for a bit due to family problems and while i was out the kit of parts came. Inside the kit of parts was the Labview DVD with the Labview and other software. One of the team members thinking that we are not going to use Labview this year threw out the DVD. It is true that we are not going to use Labview this year but i still need the DVD in order to install the supplemental files needed for the driver station and other software. Would anyone happen to have an iso of the DVD’s that came in the FRC Kit Of Parts? I would provide login info for a server to upload the files to if anyone would happen to have the ISO files.

Thank You!

I don’t have an ISO, but I do have a copy of the contents of the disk. Will that work?

I have a copy of the ISO, want me to host it myself, or PM login details?

I also have the iso, and the disk. PM if you still need it, just be aware also after you install it, it will not be FRC version of labview until you install the downloaded updates.
