I am looking for other Tableau users in the Midwest
I am looking for other Tableau users in the Midwest
We’re not from the midwest but we used it last year. Are you looking for help?
Please make sure scouting team collects the correct data, as the graphs speak louder than the numbers. We got burnt last year by the wrong data collected by a veteran team and the gigantic graph on a humongous tablet convinced us to make wrong decision. Post competition analysis led us to believe that their data was wrong. This year we will be little more careful.
Having said that we will start using this software…nothing can be easier than drag and drop.
I use Tableau extensively at work, we have a large Tableau Server contract
Executives love getting live data feeds on their iPads. Given the nature of FRC, its a difficult to really deliver the true tableau experience for now.
I’ve done a little bit with some scouting analysis, but honestly its a quality of data issue, that hopefully will end tomorrow. If the FMS Api works out as planned (we need an official FRC Tableau Data Feed), I can see Tableau being used on a much larger scale, Announcers could use it for in match stats, teams will be able to easily slice and dice the data as they need.
Hi Marcos! I’m from Seattle but I would love to help you with Tableau as much as I can if you want to PM me with specific questions. But if you are just getting started, check out:
http://www.tableausoftware.com/first-robotics has tons of FRC focused tutorials that will help you get started. Also, in the next few days it will be updated with some new white papers with best practices for choosing what scouting data to collect.
This is my shameless plug for the FRC gamesense presentation I am giving about scouting and Tableau on Wednesday the 7th. Watch it. Ask me questions in the chat. If you pm me some questions before then I might try to work them into the presentation too.
But really, good luck on using Tableau. It has helped our team A LOT. I would be happy to help you with whatever you would like.
What type of data can through tableau off? we had a few times this year where we had some major issues. Once was when someone said a team grabbed 9 bins from the center step in autonomous…? Should someone skim through data at the beginning to make sure it looks legit before entering it into tableau?
I’ve never used Tableau, but it seems to me that that there should be some sort of error checking in Tableau-- considering even Google Spreadsheets has that. My guess is there’s some way to validate your data automatically/semi-automatically somewhere in your toolchain.