Does your team participate in a memorial day parade, or other festivities?

Just wondering. As for Team 237, we participate in the local Memorial Day parade, and drive the robot the course when it is nice weather. Unfortunately last year it rained, so we just marched without the robot… :frowning:

Not this year but I was charged with designing a float for all of Rochester Robotics for the parade (I thought it was for Labor Day. Heh. Ooops. :o ) so I guess I’ll do one for next year, instead.

We don’t get to participate in our town’s Memorial Day Parade, but we do get to be in the July 4th parade. They try to save our Memorial Day one for the vetrans and tanks, you know, keeping the focus on the original target of the day. And since we have a lot of vetrans in our town (including Team 67’s own Tom Nader) we like to honor just them for this parade.

No, we don’t participate in our memorial day parade. Even if we were asked to, I don’t think we could, since over half of our members are in the Marching Band (including me) and we march in the parade and later do a memorial service thing…

We don’t… but we should!


I don’t believe that we’ve ever had any of our robots in a Memorial Day parade, but we always try to get into the Homecoming parade.

Our biggest problem is that it annually rains on Memorial Day or at least, for the past 7+ years, which would make for a few problems :wink:

our homecoming is the Class floats, the homecoming ‘court’, and the Marching band. And our FIRST team is tiny (heck, I’m the only one in the building on it!)

WE usually do. Last year we got rained out. Maybe I will post some pictures of the float sometime this week… thats if we do not get rained out again :ahh: