Don't Fall Asleep in Class ...

… You never know what might happen!!

The GOOGLE/LEGO sponsored Moonbots competition required creating a video essay. The kids from our team decided to make a movie called “A Trip To the Moon.” I thought I’d post a link so you all could see what they did.

It was fun to make and would be way better if they had more than 2 hours for the shoot and a few days to do the editing! As it was, the lines were memorized on the fly before we took each take and we ran out of time to polish the video to our desire, but it is still fun.

The team’s goal is to get 1,000 or more views on YouTube for the video. Lunar Exploration is a seemingly fogotten field and the more people we get thinking about it the better!

Leave us a comment if you like the video!


Nice job on such short time. Any more info on the competition? What was the prompt specifically?

While the recent revisions to NASA’s mandate are somewhat disappointing, a field that inspires a $30 million high profile competition]( (that you reference yourself) doesn’t particularly forgotten to me, though.


It’s similar to FLL, but the best presentations get free LEGO! The challenge is pretty much copied elements from FLL challenges. :slight_smile:

Yup, it is run by the Google Lunar X Prize to drum up student interest in STEM.


The video prompt, specifically, was:
“The Team must submit a video of between one and three minutes in length in which the Team members discuss the Team’s thoughts on the primary reason or reasons for lunar exploration, including their expectations for the most important discovery to be made by future missions conducted by Google Lunar X PRIZE teams and government funded lunar missions.”

In addition to this, Phase I of the Moonbots competition required a proposal for a robot that would be used in the FLL-like robot competition in Phase II, as well as a team photo, blog, and website.

The top twenty teams will go on to Phase II where they will build their robot and compete with it. They must document the build with video, pictures, and a blog. The robot can be programed in either NXT or Labview, and requires a little bit more thought then FLL because the feild has may things that will disrupt the location and the direction the robot is pointing (Meaning point-and-shoot tactics often seen in FLL challenges just won’t work. The robot has to be able to know where it is).

Grand prize is a trip to Denmark to see the LEGO factory. And it’s a fantaaastic way to spend off season. XD

More on Moonbots here:

…and while I’m at it, a shamless plug for my teams video essay. xD [Here]](


Your video made my sons and I laugh. A lot! Very nice job!!

And BTW, your facilities are awesome! We just have a little room in the basement and we are grateful for that!


Thanks everyone for going out and viewing the video and for the positive comments. It is fun to read the comments and encouraging to the kids to see so many people going out to watch it. Over 500 views in the last 4-5 days…


awesome video, Exploding bacon also entered the moonbots challenge here is my teams video

good luck 2 more weeks!

Bacon Moonbots

Chief Delphi Friends,

You are helping us make our goal. Users from this site have now achieved number 1 status for people watching our team video on YouTube. If you haven’t seen it yet, or you want to help again, please browse over to YouTube and watch it.

Our Goal is 1,000 views and we are now almost to 750… with a week to go.

Good luck!
Team #207 Hypersonic Pigs

our video