Doom 3

So, how far have you gotten?

…that is, if your video card can handle it :wink:
Gone for me are the days of playing all my games in 1600 by 1200----better go buy a 6800…

I’m currently at Statis Transfer Control, my mission is to find the portal. I think I’m in Delta Labs 2, but not sure on that.
My Gefore 4 ti4600 seems to be holding up well. I decided to run the game in 1024 x 768 in low quality, I get the best results like that. It kind of hiccups when you walk into a new level. So far I haven’t seen too much jitter when there are many monsters on the screen at once.

Doom3 ate my video card :frowning: I’m not having very good luck. My Radeon 9700 pro burnt out some time ago (heatsink FELL OFF) so I was using my Geforce2 GTS to play Doom3… which wasn’t too horrible on the lowest possible settings. Then, partway through a level, it froze. I rebooted, heard the POST codes meaning ‘no videocard’… look inside, and the GPU fan had stopped and the card fried :frowning: So unless I can get Doom3 working on my ATI Rage128, I think I’ve gotten about as far as I can for a while. (I was getting bored anyways and using cheat codes :smiley: give all = good!)

I haven’t started yet, I got installed under linux, which is cool, I just need to get linux drivers for my Geforce FX 5500 (256mb)