Double solenoid wont fire

Hey all, so right now I am trying to get a double solenoid to fire and I am running into issues. it wont. I have single ones working, but not the double. I’m pretty sure everything is connected properly. I tested it off of the single solenoid port on the PCM. And it worked, of course it only fried in one direction but it works. SO I am curious if I am doing anything wrong. This is what my code looks like:

Because of the red coercion dots, it might be worthwhile to fix the constants being used.

  • delete the wire into Solenoid set
  • right-click on the Set input node and choose create constant
  • make copies of that new constant to use for the Forward/Reverse constants on the Select
  • cut the new constant wire into Solenoid Set
  • rewire the Select output into the Solenoid Set

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