Download Beta Rio Image FRC_roboRIO2_2025_v1.0.img After Offical Release

I can’t find a way to get NI Game Tools to let me download the beta version of the RoboRio image. I have the latest version of NI Game Tools installed, I tried uninstalling Game Tools and installing the Beta release but that doesn’t produce any results. Does anyone know where I can find access to the SD image in particular? Thanks for your help!

I’m rather curious why you need it… I presume because some other dependency (i.e. YAGSL) hasn’t released an official non-beta release yet? If so, honestly, I’d just wait, it’ll likely be a matter of days, not weeks

Yeah that’s exactly it, waiting on some dependencies. Updated NI tools & didn’t realize it wiped out the old version of the image. I’ll just wait it out!