Downloading Videos from WatchFirstNow

Hello! I’ve been skimming the matches on and I felt like downloading some of them from the website, but I have no idea how. Could someone please help me? Thanks!

If a download option is not there, you shouldn’t download it. Email the site admins and ask them.

Can someone tell that to those running WFN? no? Ok…

There’s probably an easier way, but it’s very simple with Chrome. Press “Ctrl + Shift + J” to open the developer tools, then click the Network tab. Open the page with the video, and press play. You should see an entry for the video. Right click on the link, open in a new tab, then “save as…”.

I see nothing wrong with downloading a video you are viewing. Just don’t distribute it :rolleyes:

If you would like to download a video, just send me an email.

You can reach me at [email protected] It usually takes me a few days to respond to email requests, but we do our best to get them out asap.

In the future we will have an option for downloading videos directly from the site.

I really like your method, but could you please give more details? Thanks!

In Chrome, open the developer tools as before (“Ctrl + Shift + J”). A frame at the bottom of the page should appear. Click on the “Network” tab along the top of that frame. Now, press play on the video. I just noticed it doesn’t immediately show the traffic, so you might need to pause/play the video or wait. The network tab shows requests your browser is making. One of them will be for the video (should look similar to attachment). Right click on the link on the left, choose “Open in a new tab”. Switch over to that tab, right click, and “Save as…”.



Thank you very much! It works perfectly!

Glad I could help!