Alright, so a lot of FF drafts have a clock to make a decision. Usually, if an entrant misses the clock, then they are assigned a team at random from the remaining pool.
I’d like to throw out another idea, to see how the group feels about it. Here goes:
Entrants who allow the timer to lapse will make their missing selections after the end of Round 3, in the order in which they were originally scheduled.
For example, let’s say we’ve got a four-person draft between A, B, C, and D.
Round 1: A, B, C, D
Round 2: D, C, B, A
Round 3: B, D, C, A
Let’s say that C missed their first round pick, then B and A missed their second round, then C misses the third round as well. A fourth round would be appended to the selection as follows:
Round 4: C, B, A, C
If Round 4 can’t be completed in time for the competition, then the remaining people would be assigned teams at random (as is the case now).
It would, with enough lead time, eliminate the List of Fate and make there be some element of decision-making for every selection in the competition (thus also eliminating anyone lucking out beyond having a good drafting order). However, it may also be a little harsh, as by Round 4 the team selections would be down to slim pickin’s.