Team 178 from Farmington, CT cordially invites one or more of your team members to attend our second offering of a web conference on an award winning science literacy initiative called Dream FIRST. This initiative is designed to capture the interest and excitement of young children (ages 5-10). Dream FIRST centers around a series of children’s books and science activities which our team has created to introduce the ideals of FIRST in a developmentally appropriate medium. Our team has run Dream FIRST events of varying size and scale at venues including local libraries, FRC regionals, Girl Scout camps, inner city elementary schools and many others. Events typically include: reading, science experiments, Lego activities, face painting, driving VEX robots, and more. The response to these events has been overwhelmingly positive. Our team’s goal for this year and beyond is to inspire and assist other FRC (and FLL) teams to run Dream FIRST events of their own. Dream FIRST has been officially endorsed by FIRST. Through Dream FIRST events, our team has brought FIRST to over 1500 children. With your help, we can all reach many more.
Our second offering of the web conference will be held on Tuesday, March 4th, from 7 to 8 PM Eastern Standard Time. It is a repeat of the first web conference and will explain the benefits to your team that come from running a Dream FIRST event, how we can help, and what the final results of Dream FIRST can be (i.e. sparking new JFLL and FLL teams). Please visit to register. If you are unable to attend the conference but are still interested, please e-mail us at [email protected] and let us know so we can contact you. Please see some of the feedback from our FIRST conference below.
We realize the inconvenience with the date due to the close proximity of a regional but please note the conference will be held on a non-regional day.
Thank you and good luck!
Feedback from first web conference:
“The outreach and education your team provides through Dream FIRST is top notch, and the web-conference was very helpful! Keep up the great work!” Cheryl LeBlanc (Team 1720)
“Your team did a great job of presenting your information … I liked everything about the presentation…The presenters did a good, professional job.” Sue Wanninger (Team 1732)