Drive coach here. Need to know some specifics.
Where can you score? Amp, speaker, trap, all of the above? Climbing? Swerve or tank?
For anyone new to swerve like we were, what helped our drivers was doing some “maneuverability” tests. If you have cones from last season, even better. Figure-8s, squares, moving around “dead robots,” practice spinning or “deflecting” defending robots while moving across the field (pretty much move in a straight line in a given direction on the field while spinning and staying in control.) Our drivers got creative with it and made “lanes” with the cones you had to stay in while spinning. Also works well if you can have someone else controlling a “defender,” we used last year’s tank robot to practice going against defenders. Your barebones chassis would work great for this, and you get to train two drivers at once if you have the students!
Repeat everything. If your drivers have great muscle memory, they should be able to drive the robot in their sleep basically. Run from feeder to amp, feeder to speaker, run full timed matches to practice climbs, trap, etc. See how close you can cut your climbs if you HAD to, time your cycles, see how you can cut time to make your cycles faster. We repeat runs so frequently that we run the robot until the battery needs swapped.
Pick a “lane” or two. If you watch the cycles of one robot from a good driver on Blue Alliance, you might notice they take the same route, or the same two routes, depending on what is happening on the field. (Going to speaker, under your alliance stage, to other alliance’s stage, to feeder, avoiding stages coming back, line up at speaker and shoot, repeat.) Its part of that muscle memory I mentioned above.
I encourage the drivers as a coach to watch good teams on Blue Alliance, or some “behind the glass” videos from FUN. I particularly liked seeing how 254 communicated on the field last year when placing cones and cubes. Pick a typically high-ranking team from your region on there and watch some of their matches. Watch some more popular teams like 254 or 1118, see what makes them and their strategies stand out from other drive teams. “Take from the best and invent the rest” doesn’t just apply to robot building.