Drive Team training

Hi, would you guys share your teams way of training the drive team. Specifically swerve drive. Any PDFs or videos that aren’t really outdated will be much appreciated.

this is a great video on driver practice that is relatively new


Match videos, as many as reasonable. Would suggest division elims, einstein, and competitive offseasons from any and all games since like 2013.

Half of being a good driver has nothing to do with your physical skills, or your ability to communicate with others, but is knowing what you should be doing, how you should respond to a situation, and having good game awareness. Match videos expose you to a huge variety of situations, both in which drivers do well and poorly, which is infeasible to do with a physical robot. And you can watch match videos even if the robot is unavailable for any reason, and especially helps when practice time is limited.

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If you guys use YAGSL, we have recently integrated MapleSim into it which gives a physics engine backed simulation out of the box that you can train with. We used the basix sim to train our drover 2 yrs ago and it helped alot from what I saw.