Drive wheel motors using OItoPWM() --- how to debug?

I’m using OI_to_PWM() function to drive wheel motors during the Operator part of the game, and set_PWM() during the Autonomous part, setting to full speed.
It is observed that during the operator mode, it is running slower than the Auto mode, even the driver pushed the joystick to the limit.
I assume when the joystick is pushed to the limit, the output to PWM port should be 255(or 0) using OI_to_PWM() function. Is that true?
Is there a way to read the output to the PWM while running the OI_to_PWM() function using EasyCPro? I mean without any hardware equipment?

Use the OI Analog Input block, and throw that to a variable (int should be fine.) Then you can print out that variable, and see what it is.


Not necessarily. Most joysticks don’t quite reach the entire range of possible values. You can compensate for this in teleoperated mode by calibrating the Victor speed controller to match what your joystick provides.

(Note that the maximum PWM value in the IFI control system is 254, not 255.)

Is there a way to read the output to the PWM while running the OI_to_PWM() function using EasyCPro? I mean without any hardware equipment?

If you already have a laptop computer with a serial connection, you can use a dashboard reader program to see exactly what pwm outputs are being commanded, and exactly what joystick values are being read.