Driver station Connected, but roboRIO target not found in imaging tool

Hey everyone,

I’m trying to image my Roborio 1.0 to the 2025 beta image. I’ve connected the Roborio via USB, and the Driver Station can detect the robot. However, the Imaging Tool keeps saying “no targets found.” I’ve clicked the Rescan button multiple times, but nothing has changed.

I’m using roboRIO Imaging Tool version 25.0d13 and Driver Station version 25.0d5. I got both of them from the NI FRC game tools 2025 preview.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Given that the robot IP and Laptop IP are in completely different ranges, and the robot IP matches the USB connection, I’m assuming you have wifi enabled. Be sure to disable other network connections.

Also, disable windows firewall and any other 3rd party firewall/antivirus software you may have running as these can interfere with the connection.

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Thank you so much for answering! You’re right, I forgot to turn off the firewall.

But after disabling the firewall and turning off the wifi of my laptop, the target is still not showing up:

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Your ethernet IP is still showing a different range, so some other network connection is configured. Simply turning off wifi in that popup menu often isn’t enough. Having things like Docker or a VPN client enstalled will often add extra network connections.

Please open the network interface settings (Win+R → ncpa.cpl) and disable everything except your USB ethernet connection. If you’re not sure which it is, it should disappear when you disconnect the cable (and should be labeled with NI).

You can re-enable these after the connection is made.


Have you tried with a different USB cable? In the past I’ve found some cables can cause issues with this. Happens more often than you’d think.

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@Fletch1373 @Akash_Rastogi Thanks for answering!

It turns out that I’ve disable the RIO webserver to save memory

After re-enabling the webserver, I am able to find the RIO in the imaging tool.

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:man_facepalming: yup that would definitely do it. Glad you figured it out!

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