We’re trying to add an FMS to our team’s Romi competition using 254’s Cheesy Arena software. We have the network and FMS configured properly so that driver station will connect to it and all general functionality works fine using a roboRio-based robot. We’ve also enabled Sim DriverStation in our Romi build file, and the Romis are using bridge mode to connect to our network. If the FMS is disabled, DriverStation connects to the Romi simulation without any issues and the Romi is fully controllable via DS.
The issue is when the DS’s team number is added to the match in Cheesy Arena and the DS registers itself with the FMS. As soon as that occurs, DS shows that robot (AKA simulation) communication has been lost. None of the DS joystick inputs are transferred to the simulation smartdashboard. The simulation does not receive any updates from the DS or FMS, including alliance changes, or match start. Teleop never enables. (See screenshot below) Shortly after the team is removed from the match in Cheesy Arena, robot communication is restored, the joystick commands are fowarded to the simulation, and DS just shows that teleop is disabled. Since the FMS never communicates directly with robots (the DS is used as a proxy), I’m thinking the issue is with DriverStation. Is this a known issue or does anyone have any ideas for solving this?
(Robot communication lost after driver station connects to FMS)