Driver Station error message: 44040

We got the error message when we try our robot code:

ERROR- 44040 Occurred at>>>>WPI_Conpressor>>>>Robot

FRC: The Relay index is invalid.

No Change to Network Configuration: “Local Area Connection” "Wireless Network Connection:
I/O unit not detected or not installed correctly.

Any suggestions? The driving part seem to be working.

I have heard of that error from many teams. I even saw it on our robot once. It seems to have happened when trying to run the program after one of the programmers used the red “stop” button over the Robot Main front panel to abort the program instead of clicking the big “Finish” button. We didn’t spend any time trying to make it happen repeatably, so all I have is a hypothesis.

Maybe the invalid relay index happens if you don’t close the compressor in the Finish vi before running the program again?

We had that same problem. We ended up writing our own compressor code that completely fixed the issue. The compressor is fairly simple - just open it up and you can see how it’s written.