Driver Station Freezing

Whenever an Xbox One controller is plugged into my team’s driving laptop, the Driver Station freezes. When the controller is unplugged, the DS comes back to life as if nothing happened. Xbox 360 or Logitech branded controllers work fine. Has anyone else encountered this problem?

Yes, we have noticed this as well. Trying to work with NI to solve the issue. For us, it only ever happened with 2 Xbox One controllers? Does the issue happen with only 1 controller for you guys? If so, do you have any steps to help reproduce the issue?

For us, plugging in a single Xbox One controller causes the DS to freeze.

Happened to us as well. Initially, only one of our two xbox one controllers caused the freeze at the WPI competition last weekend. Then, after a drive laptop reboot, neither of them worked. We tried deleting the DS configuration file, and reinstalling the xbox driver, neither of which solved the problem.

We can reproduce the issue by plugging in either of our xbox one controllers and our non-xbox controller (saitek side panel). Then, right as we click the refresh button (a symptom of this about to happen is that the controller list doesn’t auto-refresh, even if the robot is disabled) the DS freezes immediately.

Our solution was borrowing an xbox 360 controller for the rest of competition. We had no problems with that.

I believe FIRST/NI is aware of this issue (several teams reported it last weekend), and hopefully they’ll have a fix soon.

At Sacto, we were told by the CSR this was a known issue exclusively with Xbox Ones under active investigation. We had to borrow an Xbox 360 and modify our code.