Driver Station not displaying Camera image

Hi, This year our team is trying to use the camera on our robot. I am the lead programmer on the team and have successfully setup the camera through the tool that was in the utilities update. We are using the cRio’s second ethernet port for the camera. I haven’t changed any of the default code because I thought that you did not have to in order to see the camera image. I know that you have to change it in order to track an image, but in order to just see the display I thought that you could just use the default code in the that initializes the camera. I’ve never used the camera before so correct me if I am wrong. We are using the M1011 axis camera.

If any one can help me out that would be great.

Team 1824

You must create a new Dashboard project and change the camera’s IP address to instead of 10.xx.yy.11 (xxyy being your team number).

I haven’t yet taken a very close look at the Dashboard project, but I’d expect it would have clear instructions about this. In fact, I’m pretty sure all you’d have to do is change a T constant to an F. :slight_smile:

The reason the default one isn’t working is that it’s configured for connecting the camera to the access point (where its IP address would be 10.xx.yy.11).

Good luck!

Thanks for replying so soon.

I’ve never worked with the dashboard projects before, but I did create one today. The only thing I was confused about was whether the dashboard project is deployed to the cRio or what I was supposed to do with it after I created it.

The camera IP address is It was configured to that when I ran the setup tool.

Thanks again,
Team 1824

The dashboard is a standalone exe program. After you edit anything within the dashboard, you must re-build the dashboard into an exe file.

In order to build it into an exe, do I just right click on the build dependencies and click on build or is there something special that I have to do. Like I said before I’m completely new to the dashboard project.

Team 1824

I believe that you just need to build it. The dialog will tell you where the files are located, and if needed, you can move it around, or to another computer.

Greg McKaskle

I don’t have my PC in front of me, but when you are viewing the project, open the very last cascading menu and double click FRC Dashboard. In the following menu, hit Build.

Alright, I will try that as soon as I can get back to the room.

Thanks everyone,
Team 1824

To back up a step. Is there a reason you are using Ethernet port 2 on the cRIO? All the default code and Dashboard are set up to plug the camera into the robot radio. Unless you have a good reason to change, I would suggest you try that first.

I have tried all of the above. I built the dashboard project and changed the camera to run through the robot radio instead of the second port of the cRio. I changed all of the necessary things in the code and in the dashboard project but i still dont have any image.

If any one can help me out that would be great.

Team 1824

Change one thing at a time. Since the crio bundles the camera data with packets sent to the dash board the default dashboard should be fine. Does your camera pull up when you connect it to your laptop and go to the ip address it is set to?

I finally got it to work. We had to change the classmate so that it connected automatically to the robot radio.

Thanks everyone who helped me out and Good Luck!
Team 1824