My driver station disconnects and reconnects frequently. I updated NI game tools to 2025 and pretty much everything else. While I was trying to generate swerve code it kept disconnecting which led to the swerve generator to fail. The robot previously worked perfectly fine until I reimaged the roboRio. How to fix current issue?
Try switching out cables maybe?? And making sure drivers are updated
Which drivers are you talking about? To specify this problem is occurring when i try connecting via radio
Does this happen when the Windows WiFi menu is open?
I’ve noticed that the driver station doesn’t like it when Windows is scanning for networks, and Windows does that when the WiFi menu is open.
And I believe that the other user is referring to your wireless drivers on your laptop.
Hmmm… maybe see if its some sort of tethering driver?
No change unfortuneatly, I’ve updated all my drivers and made sure to close the windows wifi menu as well.
Do you have an access to another Roborio? (to eliminate the possibility of an error in the Roborio)
Do you have an access to another Laptop? (to eliminate the possibility of an error in the Laptop)
How are you connected to the Roborio? Wifi? Ethernet cable? USB-B cable?
If you go back in versions to the 2024 version, does it work for you?
Try forgetting all other networks…. Windows tries to be “helpful” and will auto switch to a different WiFi network in hopes of finding an Internet connection.