Driver Station through WINE

This year, our code team is trying to go all Mac. All our team members own MacBooks, so it just makes sense (last year we used an old windows computer lying around). We’re also switching to C++ from Labview, and Eclipse works smoothly on the new RoboRIOs without any bugs. The one problem in our setup is the Driver Station. I am currently running the Driver Station through WINE (specifically, a Wineskin wrapper) and it works almost perfectly. The only problem is the joystick. We are using generic USB joysticks which work perfectly in Windows. After some digging on google, I checked the WINE control panel and it recognizes the joystick and displays its values, but for some reason the Driver Station still doesn’t recognize it. Has anyone gotten this to work or know how to fix it? Thanks!

I’d like to know how you got it installed. I was unable to get past the loading screen. I kept getting the error

Fatal Error!! Required NIPathsDir property NILEGALDIR is undefined.

I downloaded the installer here and it installed without errors, then I launched C:\Program Files\FRC Driver Station\DriverStation.exe. I should also add that I use the same wrapper for all my windows programs over the last few years. This means that I keep accumulating libraries and other stuff so I may have something installed that you don’t, but there is no way of knowing. Are you using wineskin or just plain wine?

Im on linux, So plain old WINE.

I was able to install the driver station last year on the same WINE prefix.

The DS uses a combination of DirectInput 8 and XInput libraries. The XInput should only be needed for Xbox 360. I have not tested with WINE, but I can tell you that Parallels works pretty well. I just tried it with their Coherence feature, and the DS/DB works pretty well. I generally put windows on a second screen, but if all you are using is the DS, maybe Coherence is a good choice.

Greg McKaskle

I’ve always tried to stay away from parallels. It’s expensive and I would rather do something like run my computer in bootcamp (which is already set up) but have my teammate’s in OSX because all the code is synced to the cloud so it doesn’t really matter what computer we code from. It looks like Parallels works great and good luck with it, but I just don’t want to take the plunge yet. Thanks anyway!

EDIT: I added DirectInput 8 and I really hope it works, but unfortunately I can’t test it out until later tomorrow. I’ll get back with results though!

I’m not experienced with Linux and I only have used wineskin, so I can’t really help you there. My only suggestion would be to dig through the logs and try to find if it needs anything you are missing. Good luck!

I’ve had good experiences running it in VirtualBox (Windows 7 guest, Linux host), but never tried WINE.

I’ve used parallels for years and have had pretty good luck with it. Joe uses VMFusion I think and also had issues with Xbox joysticks. I don’t know if he worked it out.

I checked their website and the product costs $80. It may be worth your time to contact them, explain your situation, and see if they will sponsor or grant. They also have business licenses, so they may be willing to treat the team like a business.

Greg McKaskle

You’ll have the most support (troubleshooting help) at competition events for Windows running directly on the hardware. Other configurations like those being discussed on this thread might work fine in your shop but have trouble on the field.

Teams get very frustrated when they arrive at the field and have to be bypassed for the match because their driver station won’t connect.

This is sometimes the case, however I will say most fields have an emergency Classmates on hand in the event this happens, they can switch out the computers so you can still drive for a match (dashboards may not work).

Wine is a unique way to run, I would be worried about the performance and a larger control lag in a competition environment.

If it works, it works. If it doesn’t, you don’t have a normal installation and not much support is available. This has been attempted in the past but since it isn’t widespread I’m not sure if it has worked out so well.