Drivers and Coaches

If you have a driver, and that same person is a coach is that okay?

I mean, in one match, they are the driver, but in another they are the coach. Can you have people who play different roles or do you have to have one specific driver and one specific coach? :confused:


Yes, you can have them be both a coach and a driver during different matches.
4.2.1 - THE GAME>THE GAME>Definitions
COACH – A student or adult mentor designated as the team advisor during the match and identified as the person wearing a “COACH” pin.”

There are no rules forbidding you from having them be both… except during the same match…

Just remember while a coach can be anyone of any age/status, a driver is defined as a High School Student.

Ok, thank you very much

Although what you want to do is fine, I would recommend you not do that all season. If you are doing this to see who is a better driver then its fine, although I’d say if you have the time have driver try-outs during the build season itself. If you have one trustable driver designated for the bot, they will learn the machine and the game better. Same goes for the coach. Remember, practice makes perfect. It’s the same thing here, you have to practice practice practice till you get it right. Well, those are just my suggestions based on what I’ve learnt after being on the drive team.

Small correction, it says “Pre College” student, which means if you want an 8th grader or younger driving (which I have seen before…) they can