Please tell me you can use Bluetooth or virtual joystick overlays as input… I don’t want to break out the USB/OTG hubs from FTC again
Currently I’m just using a Bluetooth keyboard but I’m going to try to get my ps4 controller working, also using a c to c cable would work if I get usb role switching working. At the moment I need to work on the device tree to get any usb tho so that might be out of the question
To be clear this is all running on a hacked together version of opends
Still super cool to see, definitely want some progress updates. This could usher in a whole new era of recycling old tablets into Demo Drive stations. I hate taking our official drive station out of the lab because I tend to forget to bring it back. This would give us an alternative lightweight DS I can always have with me… I’m in
the phone is running debian right now but there’s no reason any of the dozens of devices that can run postmarketos wouldn’t work, i just didn’t want to learn how to use musl
What’s the e-stop mechanism? Use the accelerometer to detect if you dropped the phone? Please be safe, especially with FRC sized robots!
It has a dead man’s switch in the robot code where if the z button isn’t held down everything stops
edit: it happens to even be visible in the photo of the code lol
I’m glad it’s not a guarantee driver station machines will have one. I’d hate to be in an official match and have the robot estop cuz the opposing alliance slammed our DS wall too hard and the laptops ‘crash detection’ is triggered.
Linux kernel joystick support is a little annoying, it looks like I’ll either have to rewrite part of OpenDS to support evdev instead of the deprecated /dev/input/js* interface or make a wrapper to evdev for it
I messed around a bit with it and I think just supporting evdev in opends would be simpler than making a sort of middleman input device
update: I don’t like Linux event devices, but I got a very basic input test working