DriverStationLCD class missing in new WPILib

For whatever reason, DriverStationLCD.h is not in the new set of includes that we got for eclipse in C++. Is there some other system that will be used instead? Has anyone heard anything on the subject of the lcd, or on changes to WPILib? - explanation - usage

Its not included because there is no such display on the new driver station. The porting guide suggests using the control on the LabView dashboard. Search for “DS User Messages” on that page for more information.

The other thing you can do is use the SmartDashboard class as shown in this section of the documentation:

The SmartDashboard lets you display any values anywhere on the screen with full annotation and in various formats.

If you want an API-compatible version that uses the new Dashboard as alluded to above, you can feel free to grab the DriverStationLCD.cpp/.h from;a=tree;f=src/util;hb=HEAD

We used it during beta to port-forward our existing code.

For backstory. We considered keeping the LCD APIs and making them use the DB instead, but after discussing it, we felt that would just obscure the choices teams have.

The old API wasn’t really that simple or complete. So teams are welcome to abstract the DB variables however they like, and they can of course customize the DB to have a tree control if they want. We felt that writing to or reading from variables was simpler, especially to new teams.

Greg McKaskle