DS E09 over-reactive, won't connect

I cannot sleep now!

The E09 was imaged properly w/ all updates. We can connect to DLink. We can ping the bridge and robot, but we cannot get com/code.

Also, the software seems to recognize the old DS Radio, even though it is sitting in a box on the other side of the room. Also, when the bot is off, we still get a green light for about .5 seconds on bridge/DS Radio (cyclical).

We have no issues whatsoever with another laptop, all updates applied.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Any help whatsoever? We really don’t want to make a new station to put a huge computer on…or reformat the DS…

Check the Classmate’s IP address and netmask directly.
I assume the cRIO has been reimaged to the 2012 v43?

From what machine did you download code to the cRIO?
Does that one see everything too?

IP Addresses are set correctly, the new DS software sets them automatically (you can choose which adapter to modify under Setup tab->Choose NIC under the team #).

Yes it is v43.

We downloaded code from a mentor’s laptop, which works w/ the bot just fine. The DS09 is the problem.

Pings but no Comm/Code is usually Windows Firewall. Is it currently enabled on the machine? Try disabling and see if that resolves the issue.

Double-check that your Classmate is connecting to the robot’s network. If you’re on some other wireless network, you might be able to see some device at the .1 and .2 (and .4) addresses, but the DS communication status pings don’t check to make sure it’s the right device.

Alan, I was refereing to CMD ping on the DLink network, but yeah, RRRRRRuffles have RRRRidges, that worked, unblocking it on Windows Firewall works wonders!:ahh:

Gee, tanks…

BTW, what would have a .4 IP? Bot is .2, I think the router is .1.

Before the D-Link combination Access Point/Bridge made it unnecesasry, the old blue Linksys router was used to create the wireless network for the robot’s black bridge to connect to. That router was configured at the .4 address.