hello, when we connect our robot by our radio in driver station it shows that our ds radio and roborio are bad but radio is good. What can be the cause of this?
Not a lot of information here to go on, but the things that immediately come to mind when the ds isn’t connecting to the radio or rio are.
- Is the laptop connected on wifi to the radio
- Does the laptop have all firewalls shut off
- Do you have your team number set in the driver station
yes we did all the things but still it says bad ds radio and roborio. we even tried changing the ethernet cable multiple times but it still doesn’t work.We tried plugging the enthernet cable into the computer but it still says the same thing.
can you open CMD and type arp -a
and show the result
- add a picture of the roborio leds
What function are you trying to perform - why are you connecting to the roboRIO?
You have the roboRIO imager program open and that works reliably only with the USB B connection and the roboRIO v1 unless setting the team number for V2 (other connections are possible but seemingly randomly don’t always work; the documentation says use the USB B connector).
Your Roborio have the team number register ?
Can you access roborio via usb-b port?
unfortunately our usb-b port is broken so we can only image the roborio via SD Card.
Yes, it is already registered
We are trying to send our code to the roborio and only opened the imager in hopes that we could maybe fix the “ROBORIO BAD” error. Also since our USB-B port is broken we cannot image the roborio again.
What Roborio are you using? 1 or 2?
Can you ping the Roborio?
What radio are you using?
If VH-109 can you ping it?
In addition please send a screenshot of your command prompt when you do:
arp -a
(When you are connected to the robot’s network)
From your team number I will assume it is Roborio 2, right? If so you can only image via sd card and not by usb port afaik.
EDIT: Can you please add a video of your Roborio so we can see status lights or can you at least describe them?
Hi. We have an issue where our radio doesn’t work when roborio is NOT in safe mode. In the driver console it says radio good but everything else bad. Any reason why this might be?
Need more info.
New radio? Old?
If new what firmware version? Are you updated to the latest?
What troubleshooting steps have you done this far?
Edit: Just noticed your teammate already has a thread and is getting active advice. Let’s keep focused over there.
the radio is old and roborio has the 2024 image(we tried to reimage it today but it didnt work)
Do you have Roborio 1 or Roborio 2?
Could you please respond to my message above and also DavidMasin and Jwal’s questions? We need more info.