Dual Camera View Default Dashboard


As someone not experienced with frc programming, I was wondering how we can get two camera feeds in the default driver dashboard.

I’m told we can do this in Shuffleboard, which we will try this week, but can it be done without Shuffleboard?

We have one camera feed but couldn’t figure out how to get the second to pop up.


The default dashboard has a tabbed view on the right hand side, so you can select the “Camera” tab, and then choose a camera to display on that side. If you’re asking how to stream a second camera from the RoboRio so you have a second one to select, that’s language-dependent. What language are you using?

Hey Peter,

We’re using Java. I was hoping if a second camera was plugged into the Rio it’d automatically show up in the drop-down in the camera tab, but still only had one show up to select.

You have to add a second startAutomaticCapture() to start a second stream going.

Okie dokes, will try that next meeting. Thanks.

Refer to this if you are using C++, if not the steps are similar with Java. You may run into bandwidth limitation issues with two cameras unless you are not running any other sensors through the RoboRIO. So switching camera views may make sense. Here are 3 provided examples of what you can do. https://wpilib.screenstepslive.com/s/currentCS/m/vision/l/708159-using-multiple-cameras