We have looked a lot tonight over wether we can use duct tape as the fabric covering for our bumpers, we haven’t found any answers on the FRC rule site. Can it be duct tape? Or does it have to be legit fabric? Thanks for helping!
Duct tape is not a fabric. Does it have fabric? You could say that. Is it fabric? No. If I was your inspector, I would send you to the nearest fabric store (pending any ruling from HQ).
If you want to get an official answer, however, you need to go to the FRC Q&A and ask them.
The Rule you would want to pay attention to is
Bumpers must be constructed as follows (see Figure 4‑4):
D.be covered with a rugged, smooth cloth. The cloth must completely enclose all exposed surfaces of the plywood and pool noodle material. The fabric covering the Bumpers must be a solid red or blue in color. Visually, the red or blue must be as close to the corresponding color in the FIRST logo as reasonable (i.e. to a reasonably astute observer, they appear similar). The only markings permitted on the Bumper fabric cover are the team number
emphasis mine. I personally would not classify duct tape as cloth. Though If you want to be absolutely positive you should ask the Q&A. But I would plan on not being able to use duct tape. You may want to look into using Duck cloth which is a type of canvas material found at most fabric stores.
That is an interesting proposition. Best answer you can get would be to ask the GDC about it.
::rtm:: From what I can tell, rule [R48]D would probably apply in the sense of [Bumpers must be constructed as follows:]
be covered with a rugged, smooth cloth. The cloth must completely enclose all exposed surfaces of the plywood and pool noodle material. The fabric covering the Bumpers must be a solid red or blue in color. Visually, the red or blue must be as close to the corresponding color in the FIRST logo as reasonable (i.e. to a reasonably astute observer, they appear similar). The only markings permitted on the Bumper fabric cover are the team number (see Rule [R35]).
Emphasis mine. Whether duct tape qualifies as rugged, smooth cloth is up for debate. I know that there is some fabric qualities within duct tape but I am not sure how far that carries. The second emphasis would be simply in having to buy loads of duct tape, and have to buy twice one set because you would need to make both a red duct tape set and a blue duct tape set, assuming this is legal at all.
Reviewing, I’d ask the GDC about R48 and if duct tape qualifies as cloth or not. Hope it goes well; this really is quite an interesting proposition. I’m intrigued to see how it turns out.
I know in the past a few teams got away with leather, but you need to ask the GDC. In my opinion is duck tape would like bad and tacky.
One of your own questions may help you if you question how legit it is.
Leather, or fake leather?
Depending on the type of leather, it sure would be durable enough… other types, not much better than standard fabric.
We used Naugahyde, and it’s worked (and looks) like a charm.