Due Date

Ok, I know i will get yelled at but i really need to know without a doubt as to when the animation is due.


Isn’t it due at the same time the robot has to be shipped (a.k.a.: Febuary 8th, 2003 by 5:00 p.m.)

According to the FIRST website and the rules manual the animation is due at Autodesk no later than 5PM February 21. 2003.

Due means in their hands at Autodesk - so don’t wait to ship until the last minute.

** Entry Deadline:
Autodesk must receive entries at Autodesk no later than 5:00 PM, February 21, 2003.**

straight outta the awards PDF… http://www2.usfirst.org/2003comp/Awards_03.pdf

*Originally posted by Raven_Writer *
**Isn’t it due at the same time the robot has to be shipped (a.k.a.: Febuary 8th, 2003 by 5:00 p.m.) **

hate to tell you, but robot ships the 18th, not 8th

normialy the animation is due in middle march, but as the rule book explained, they are having a regional animation award :smiley: , so it is due earlier yay!!!

*Originally posted by Nataku *
**hate to tell you, but robot ships the 18th, not 8th **

I know, remembered later on in the day

Thanks you guys!