Dukes of Stronghold GIF Contest: Discussion Thread

TLDR: There is a new contest to make a GIF of a robot (or robots) getting air during an official match. Polls will be taken, winners will be declared, GIF cards will be awarded (see what I did their :wink:

Some background.
[li]My Triple Tortuga Contest has been a huge success and it is only Week 0.5.[/li][li]In this post, OccamzRazor coined the term “Dukes of Stronghold” to mean a robot that gets air as it crosses a defense.[/li][li]Watching The Robonaut Reveal video and observing one of the Blue Alliance robots jump a defense just prior to the first Triple Tortuga of the season has convinced me that a LOT of robots are going to be getting air as the cross defenses.[/li][/ul]

Sooooo… …I am announcing NEW CONTEST:

The Dukes of Stronghold GIF Contest.

Here is how the competition is going to work:

[li]The Dukes of Stronghold event has to occur during OFFICIAL FIRST SANCTIONED MATCHES to qualify for consideration (Qualifying or Elimination matches only, practice matches are not eligible, nor are afterglow competitions or whatever happens on a practice field or in your gym at a school demo, …, you get the idea).[/li]
[li]You have to make a GIF of that event. It can be from publicly available video or it can be from you own phone or it can be spliced together from video gathered from 2 phones, a GoPro, a Twitch TV feed, a YouTube video and 3 Vines. BUT YOU HAVE TO MAKE IT INTO A GIF THAT CAN BE ATTACHED TO A CD MESSAGE (2MB max size). [/li]Notes:
[li]this is not a “compilation GIF” by which I mean several things. [/li][LIST]
[li]First, the video clips showing the action all have to be from a single match.[/li][li]Second, the GIF has to be telling the story an event that happened during the match. This is going to be harder to define than I’d like but for instance, I don’t want a “here is every shot of every robot that caught air during a match” video. I want something that someone who was watching the event would say, “Yeah, I saw that! That was sick.” Does it all have to happen exactly simultaneously? No not really but there has to be some sort of “this happened during a limited time window” connection. It is a little like art in that we’ll know it when we see it.[/li][li]Jump cuts? Yes. Playing with time? Yes, yes. Mixing views? Yes, I say, yes![/li][li]Just don’t get too tricky for your own good.[/li][/ul]

[li]Name your GIF using THIS FORMAT: TBAMatchIDText_ROBOT1[_ROBOT2][_ROBOTN]_CDUserName.GIF. [/li]Notes: [ul]
[li]TheBlueAlliance is great for making compact match ID texts. Let’s use their format. Start here if you are looking to crib their format. For example the first qualifying match from Palmetto Regional is “2016scmb_qm1” (look at the URL for the results from a Qual Match) and semifinal 1 match 2 from same regional has the text “2016scmb_sf1m2” (again, look at the URL)[/li][li]Use 4 digit team numbers (left pad with zeros e.g. H.O.T. would be 0067). If there is only one robot in your GIF (which will be the majority of posts), then only use just one robot number but if multiple robots are involved in the Dukes of Stronghold Event, then add them to the list (up to 6 I guess if we get a Double Triple Dukes of Stronghold Event :wink: [/li][li]CDUserNames are allowed to have a bunch of crazy characters that are terrible for file names. Please convert your CDUserName to something that is going to work for most operating systems (e.g. I would replace “Joe Johnson” with “Joe_Johnson”)[/li][li]EXAMPLE1: If I made a gif of team 125 at the Boston District in Qualifying Match #5 where they are seen launching off Red’s Outerworks and landing in Blue’s Courtyard then I’d name the associated gif file: “2016mabos_qm5_0125_Joe_Johnson.gif”[/li][li]EXAMPLE2: If 10 matches later team #247 was seen jumping over team #5000 at the Boston District in Qualifying Match #15 and I made a gif of that amazing event, I would name the file: “2016mabos_qm15_0247_5000_Joe_Johnson.gif”[/li]

[li]Reply to this thread: Dukes of Stronghold GIF Contest: OFFICIAL SUBMISSIONS ONLY and attach your properly named GIF to your post.[/li]
[li]I will make a poll or a series of polls (I am not sure exactly how I will do this. A lot depends on the number and frequency of entries) that will enable you, yes YOU to vote for the best GIF. Exact details to follow.[/li]

Other Details:

Please use THIS DISCUSSION thread (I mean THIS THREAD – just hit Post Reply below) to talk about the contest details and such and use the OFFICIAL SUBMISSION ONLY thread for, you know, OFFICIAL SUBMISSIONS. Use the POLLS (links to come when I have set up actual polls to vote on) to discuss the merits of the various submissions (or start a new thread on that topic – it’s a free ChiefDelphi.com after all).

Winners? I am not sure how this is going to go. But notionally, I will have “qualifying polls” that I will host every N gifs that get submitted. Based on those results, a subset of those will then be included in the “Top M Dukes of Stronghold” poll (think something akin to the ESPN Sport Center Top 10 Videos list).

The contest will run during the “regular season” (i.e. only districts and regionals for now) and must be submitted prior to the start of qualifying matches for the District Championships. Voting will close some time before the start of the Championships.

At which time, the good doctor will reach in to his pocket and buy some $10 gift cards for the top few slots and a $50 gift card for the #1 gif.

IF this turns out to be a fun competition and there is continued interest, perhaps I’ll have another round of entries that will include the District Championships and the Worlds.

Finally, this award is for the MAKER OF THE GIF not the teams in the videos or even the makers of the original videos that produced the GIF. Sorry about that but that’s how we are going to play this.

Let’s have fun.

Dr. Joe J.

Do I take that utter silence on this thread to mean that nobody is interested?

There has been one submission, but frankly, that one is a ringer, I put him up to it (thanks CJ) http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=20213&d=1456621259

So… let this one die or will interest pick up as more competitions are held next week?

Dr. Joe J.

Ironic that you’re promoting this on Leap Day…

I think it’ll certainly pick up once we have more competitions.


I believe I was standing right there next to that camera person. That’s my team’s robot that held up the bridge. I’m pretty sure everyone was like, there’s no way they’re going to… holy crap!

Not really Dukes of Hazzard, but maybe Dukes of Fail?

I love this idea personally, I’ll be sure to be on the lookout for the Dukes of Stronghold at Mount Olive this weekend! :smiley:

I am sure one of our kids can GIF our non-official Dukebot moment. We also ended up forgetting to strap our battery down while going over a defense and the battery flew up and turned the main breaker off.

If you dont have a GIF you can dump your stills here :

I like this one even better than Triple Tortuga.

I think we’ll do quite well when crossing the moat - I just hope the camera cooperates!

Team 5202 will definitely be participating in this content. Rock wall? More like pommel horse.

I have the Robonauts’ Dukes of Stronghold footage as a gif: giphy.gif



If we can get a gif of Robonauts doing that move in an official match, it would have my vote that for sure.

By the way you off gif right before one of their Swiss Army Knife Gadgets hits the carpet and (perhaps) helps them stick the landing.

At the highest levels, this competition is going to have some crazy exciting robot moves.

Looking forward to it.

Dr. Joe J.

I’ve been watching the FiM Waterford stream. SOMEONE has got to get some footage of 6117, Team Eagle. They get air on every crossing and they bounce like a Bumble on the landing.

Seriously, they’re a Dukes of Stronghold Goldmine.

You read it here first folks.

Dr. Joe J.

P.S. They were just drafted by the 7th Alliance Capt. So they’re playing after lunch. Check it out…

Next can we do gifs where robots clear defenses in a way that makes them look like whales breaching out of water?

i can get more than a few, just one question before i start posting. Am i able to post multiple in a reply, or will there be a waiting period, or something different??

Post 1 gif, post 100, knock yourself out. I can’t wait. JJ

Hmmm… …you can post whatever you think fits the category. But I am not sure that you’ll get the votes in this particular contest.

Maybe you sponsor a Pac Life gif contest?



Dr. Joe J.

5053 The Lakers had an unplanned Dukes of Stronghold moment early in the build season. The gif really doesn’t do this thing justice:

You need to see it in full resolution super slo-mo to appreciate the glorious torsional chassis flex AndyMark graciously provided in the 2016 KOP:

Since this was Build Week 3 event, this is ineligible for the valuable Dr. J award but I hope it serves as inspiration for all them other Dukes out there thinking about jumping that dang moat. Watching this clip again and again inspired us to cross-brace our chassis, build a wicked-strong battery bracket, Loctite everything twice, and counsel our drive team on more hardware-friendly options.

The work paid off in a successful run at Kettering this past weekend, with great reliability and no missed matches in spite of some occasionally brutal play. Although we still cross defenses with vigor, I don’t think we’ll match the air time on that first try. Fun to consider, though.

(This episode of Dukes of Stronghold was filmed before a live studio audience made up of mostly horrified mentors, on location at a practice field provided by our friends, the Waterford Mott Corsairs 2612)

I am declaring winners for Week 0.5 & Week 1. What can I do? When there are only 1 entry for the week, there is nothing to vote on.


cj3958 you win for week 0.5 with http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=20213&d=1456621259

Joe Ross you win for Week 1 with http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=20269&d=1457283936

PM me how you want your $10 gift cards.

When we get more submissions we can judge betwixt and between them but for my money Joe Ross’ gif is pretty boss. I’d have a hard time not giving him the grand prize at this point.

Now to all the rest of you schmos, I’m expecting some serious Dukes of Stronghold action after Week 2 (and beyond).

If you’re at a competition for more than 20 minutues, you KNOW which robots are catching air; you have your phone in your pocket; use it to get some footage upload it to one of the many gif maker and submit it here.

You could be on your way to $10 bucks worth of steamy warm caffeinated goodness on the good doctor’s tab.

Dr. Joe J.

P.S. There is no requirement that the gifs be from a match for the week you submitted the gif. If you find some great footage from Weeks 0.5 or 1, feel free to gif it and submit it. JJ