Dukes of Stronghold GIF Contest: Poll Week 4

10 entries this week to the Dukes of Stronghold GIF Contest

Watch 'em all, vote for the Dukes of Stronghold gif you think is best.

  1. 2016waell_qm4_2149_miklast
  2. 2016waell_qm13_2149_miklast
  3. 2016waell_qm22_2149_miklast
  4. 2016waell_qm26_3220_miklast
  5. 2016waell_qm35_3220_miklast
  6. 2016waell_qm42_3220_miklast
  7. 2016orphi_qm50_3574_Austin2046
  8. 2016lake_qm33_3847(A)_AllenGregoryIV
  9. 2016lake_qm33_3847(B)_AllenGregoryIV
  10. 2016alhu_qm64_2815_3861_Scott_England

The winner gets a $10 gift card for the CD user who submitted it and the entry goes in the mix for the season grand gif finale.

Don’t forget to keep an eye out for future Dukes of Stronghold moments to submit for next week’s prize.

Dr. Joe J.

wow, lots of choices this week. this will be tough…

I guess that the choice isn’t so tough after all based on where the votes are falling. Just saying…

Dr. Joe J.

If you don’t vote for #10 the communists win.

Well, that wasn’t even close.

One final week and the we’re on to the playoffs.

Scott_England, send me a PM and we can work out your gift card arrangements. Nice submission.

Dr. Joe J.