In the game animation, it shows the trackballs landing on robots. Has a trackball landed on anyone’s robot in game play? If so, how much damage did it cause, if any? How does it effect gameplay? I haven’t seen footage from any regionals, and am curious.
You didnt throw your ball at your robot in the shop? Obviously it depends on height, and force, etc, but as long as you built it sturdy, its a non-issue.
Keep in mind, that while a 10 pound object with any velocity contains a fair bit of energy, the trackball does not release all it’s energy at once.
Your robot should have no issues withstanding a trackball.
I saw it happen a few times last weekend. It didn’t have much effect on the robots at all, at most, it slowed them down a bit or made them veer in a different direction, but overall nothing too serious.
We originally had issues with our antenna when we knocked the trackball off at high speed. It would sometimes hit the antenna and bend it but other than that our robot has held up pretty well.