E-Mail Server


I have been trying to set up an E-Mail system for my domain for some time, and each attempt has been only vaguely successful.

My first version was a very crude assembly which only worked when the moon was in a correct phase. It consisted of a Java program, which was activated by incoming SMTP connections. It just pretended to pay attention to the incoming email, but did nothing to the incoming data. This was because I don’t know how to do file I/O in Java. Meanwhile, I had a packet sniffer (snort) running as well. When the Java program was activated, snort started recording all incoming data. Finally a perl script mutilated the logs to make email from it. This system could only receive email, but it was a start.

Version two is my current setup. Im running the Postcast SMTP (Free) Server. The server is only meant to be an outbound machine, but it can receive emails, if it is instructed to not automatically forward email. However I have to VNC into the server (a windows 2000 machine) to read my email, which is inconvenient. And, Postcast doesn’t have POP3 support, so no email client here.

For some time, I have been trying EzMTS. I have been unable to send email outbound, but I can receive email and use Outlook to read it and all that. I tried it with the SMTP Server and POP3 server components running. I still can’t get outbound to work, so I am leaving that setup dormant.

So now I call for help. Do any of you know of any good email server systems (SMTP and POP3/IMAP)? And can any of you help me set one up? I have had no luck with sendmail on windows.


Well, if you are using windows, the ideal thing is Exchange. I don’t mean to hurt the open-source zealot in you, but its the truth, Exchange offers lots of really powerful features. If you can’t get a copy for a reasonable price, then I think you are gonna have to settle for pretty bad stuff. I tried setting up a windows email server a while ago too and had a lot of trouble finding quality software. If i rememebr correctly, Imail wasn’t too bad (www.ipswitch.com). Anyway, good luck.

I remember that 4 or 5 years ago (when I actually used Windows as a desktop OS) there was a piece of mail software called ArgoSoft Mail Server. It was pretty simple, and supported a number of protocols (including POP and SMTP).

I remember it was convenient for my experiments back then, because it stored all the messages as a separate text file and created a folder for each inbox, so I could create mail by placing text files in directories. I don’t know if ArgoSoft still exists, but it was free and not bad at all (well, for a personal mail server, which is what it sounds like you’re looking for).

Now I use sendmail and exim (but I’m unsure as to whether or not there’s Windows versions of either of those).

I have tried ArGoSoft Mail Server. For unknown reasons, it will not accept any mail at all. It drops all inbound mail, while logging that it is doing so.

And btw, I have wanted to try exchange, but Exchange = $$$. That is what keeps me from it. I use only 100% Legal software here.

I’ll see if I can set it up on a box downstairs that basically just sits there waiting for me to want to test things like this and let you know what happens (if I get the same issue).

I think I know why it was dropping the mail (and more imporantly, how to fix it):

In ArgoSoft Mail Server, go to:
Tools - Options - Local Domains
Add all of the domains on your machine to that list, and click OK
For example, localhost, computername, as well as full DNS names like mail.example.org.
In the General tab, you probably also want to enable “Allow Relay” so that you can send messages to other domains (if you enable relaying, it’s also a good idea to turn on SMTP authentication in the SMTP authentication tab).

Also, make sure that you’ve created the users in: Tools - Users.


When I had last used Argosoft, I had not set the local domains correctly. I had set that to be my local computer’s name (Inferno), not the publically accessible address (endeavour.zapto.org).

I think the above post might say that you are finished… but this is what I posted to a similar question about web and mail servers: http://www.chiefdelphi.com/forums/showthread.php?p=269054#post269054

I use ClarkConnect it is a Linux (RedHat based) distro and will do web, mail, ftp, etc… it is very easy to use, free, and has a great support forum!

I found this post so I didn’t restart a new one. I am running a webserver and want to get an email server/program running. A guy I am working with and I are designing a website which reequires reservations sent out via email to the sender and to the owner. I am running argosoft and it works well but the problem is that it wont run as a service. So I am looking for a new program either very inexpensive ($10) or legally free like argosoft. All this is running on a dual 2GHz server running win 2003 server and connected via sDSL. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas please post them.


Doesn’t IIS have some mail services built in? Never used them, because the only time I’ve ever used windows for mail is with exchange, but something to look into.

I’m not exactly sure how capable of an e-mail server you need but I run a very reliable e-mail server on a 16 MHz Macintosh SE/30 with a 40 mb hard drive and 16mb of RAM. It is Eudora Internet Mail Server. Hasn’t failed me yet! :slight_smile:

Try the Mercury mail server from Pegasus. It is free and it is a mail server. http://www.pmail.com

Ever thought about running linux (perhaps even CentOs or Debian)?

I run a small cluster of about 5 linux machines with Qmail and courier. Very nice. Both are free, of course.

If you are thinking of outsourcing your email, feel free to drop us a line - we are having a hosting blowout atm.

IIS does have it but when I tried using it for some reason it didn’t want to work, plus IIS messes up my apache sometimes. I’m kinda staying away from windows stuff other than the OS.

from what I’m seeing it costs $40? or did you find a link for a free version?

I once tried installing Linux on one of my other computers and for some reason it didn’t want to install I think it was video card issues. I have somewhere one of the more recent versions of Linux I just don’t have another computer to test an install and config on. I would like to do so soon though.

Thanks for the offer on the outsourcing, I think I’ll pass for now. Too expensive for now. Maybe if I get more business in the future.


The older versions of EIMS are available for free at ftp.eudora.com I spend about $40 on the machine it runs on though. :slight_smile:

There is a port of Debian made for Motorola 68K processors which means you can run it on an old Macintosh like an SE/30 or LC III or something of the sort. Just thought I’d throw that out there if anyone ever wants to try it. :slight_smile:

You can also run NetBSD and the whole slew of compatible stuff like Apache and PHP on one of these inexpensive and reliable machines. http://mark.is-a-geek.org

I actually re-read some of the stuff on the website I found Eudora downloads and it said there’s an option for a free version within the download.
