E3 2006

Microsoft agrees with you on this one… http://revolution.ign.com/articles/707/707831p1.html
Seeing as how I’m a Nintendo fanboy, I’ve been stalking them this E3. First of all, I’m really upset at how Sony tried to copy Nintendo and then failed…miserably. I mean they basically stuck the technology of Nintendo’s Kirby’s Tilt and Tumble (for gameboy Color)from the 1990s into the average dualshock controller, and just made it lighter. Nintendo Wii is the way to go. Sure people maybe be upset about the name change, but Revolution was only it’s code name, and you’ll get over it. Their controller is awesome, no doubt about it. It has everything, FULL MOTION SENSING, a built in speaker for immersive gameplay, and rumble (which hopefully is going to be used for some sort of forcefeedback). http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d74/calhounian/controller_features2.png
FPSs and racing games will never be the same. **With Red Steel, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Project H.A.M.M.E.R., Disaster: Day of Crisis, and an original Resident Evil exclusively for the Wii, I doubt anyone can continue to call Nintendo and the Wii kiddy **(enough of the Wii jokes, please.)
Oh, and after Nintendo’s press conference, there was no press coverage of the new super smash bros. game. Until late last night, when the Big N once again surprised us all by holding an after hours late night media coverage event, at which they announced Super Smash. Bros. Brawl!!! watch the trailer here <its awesome!. They announced only 5 new characters as of now, Metaknight from the Kirby series, Pit from Kid Icarus, Wario, Zero Suit Samus, and the big surprise here, Snake from the Metal Gear Solid games.

And what about the arguments that the graphics aren’t going to be that great of an improvement over the gamecube? I, for one, beg to differ. http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d74/calhounian/ssbcomparison_480_1147317849.jpg
You can actually see the stitching on our favorite plumber’s overalls! And i really recommending watching the SSB:B trailer, it is absolutely visually stunning, and those are just development graphics :ahh: .

And let’s not forget about the DS, many new games, and a launch date for the DS Lite have been announced. And as for the Legend of Zelda, the Phantom hourglass is coming out for the DS, and the long awaited Twilight Princess is going to have a double launch, at the time of the Wii Launch, one version for the Gamecube, and another version for the Wii, taking advantage of its unique controls and having improved graphics.

EDIT: and for those of you saying that Super Smash Bros. won’t be the same with the new controller, don’t get rid of your gamecube controllers just yet… hint hint from Mr Miyamoto</rant>

I agree with you Kristian 95%, few things I disagree with.
The name change, UGH WHY. Then again Nintendo is known for changing things that were perfectly fine in the first place. Prime example the DS light. Second example Wind Waker. Until someone can give me a valid reason why Wii is a worthy name of Nintendo’s new console, I will continue to call it the Revolution.

What I plane to buy?
The Revolution
If I have enough money
Xbox 360
If someone gave it to me for free + games and I didn’t have the option of a Xbox 360 revolution or an Atari

ok, i see why a lot of people don’t like the name change, but i also see where nintendo is coming from with it. It was our good friend, Reggie, who said at the press confrence when talking about the change to the Wii name that he would like to thank people who liked it the first day it was announced. “All two of you,” he added.

Anyways, Nintendo’s reason for the name Wii:
*" Introducing… Wii.
As in “we.”

  While the code-name Revolution expressed our direction, Wii represents the answer. Wii will break down that wall that seperates videogame players from everybody else. Wii will put people more in touch with their games... and each other. But you're probably asking: What does the name mean?

  Wii sounds like "we," which emphasizes the console is for everyone. Wii can easily be remembered by people around the world, no matter what language they speak. No confusion. No need to abbreviate. Just Wii.

  Wii has a distinctive "ii" spelling that symbolizes both the unique controllers and the image of people playing it. And Wii, as a name and a console, brings something revolutionary to the world of videogames that sets it apart from the crowd.

  So that's Wii. But now Nintendo needs you. Because it's really not about you or me. It's about Wii. And together, Wii will change everything.  "*

but on the bright side, there are some really cool acronyms for Wii:
Wireless Interactive Interface
Wii invented innovation
Wacky illegal immigrants
Wondering in Istanbul
Where is Iwata???
Whimsical Inscription Indeed
Woefully Intelligent Icon
Windows Introduced Idiocy
We Ignite Idiots
We is intelligent
…and if all else fails…
Win it illegally

but then again, those are just for fun. so Morgan, and anybody else, if you still want to call it the revolution, that’s fine by me.

But my predictions for this new generation are

  1. Nintendo Wii (priced extremely well, excellent Nintendo quality, innovation, awesome controller, FUN, free online, all downloadable games from NES, SNES, N64, and select games from sega, good graphics, the wificonnect24 feature, TONS of exclusive titles and first party games, plus 3rd party developers are loving it b/c it’s cheaper to make games for)

  2. Xbox 360 (great graphics, good online [at a fee], sorta expensive, but nowhere near the price of ps3, and some people will buy it for the sole purpose of Halo 3)

  3. PS3 (mad expensive, and the controller, just ugh. the only thing that i see that it has going for it are its graphics and power. but you can’t live off just good graphics, the games have to be fun as well. plus, i can see many of the third party games for ps3, since sony doesn’t make first party games, being ported to the xbox 360. )

and in the handheld market, I believe that things will stay as they are, DS>PSP.

So, the only mainstream news I have seen about E3 has been this which has been right on Yahoo’s front page for a number of hours today…

Video game “booth babes” forced to cover up

I’m guessing someone payed to much for a bad vid game last year, and wanted revenge on E3 and used a “moral front” as an excuse… :ahh:

Haven’t these people realized that sex appeal is a selling point in today’s market??

Why do you think the Lara Croft Tomb Raider series does so well???
It’s definitely not the appeal of the tropical locales she visits. LOL

And for the record, while Angelina was a good cast as Lara in the movie, she’s way overrated.


Oh, and btw… to add some more relevant conversation, I’m a playstation fan through and through.

Nintendo has way too many kid type cartoony games, and X-Box is just the new kid on the block who just made it big cause it’s backed by Microsoft.

Simple as that.

Don’t forget the fact that the $500 version has no WiFi and no HDMI

But I was reading some of the stuff about Super Smash Bros. Brawl (the official name of the new Smash Bros. game). Pretty shocked with what they announced for characters…

Meta Knight from the Kirby series
Pit from Kid Icarus
Wario from the Mario series (wears his WarioWare Inc. costume)
and last but not least…

Snake from Metal Gear Solid O_o;;;

Yeah, Red Steel and Zelda are sooo kiddy! Wow, the katanas came right out of Barney!

Couldnt have said it better =D i just im’ed him and told his place =P

moving on… I two was VERY surprised with the addition of Snake into SSB:B i was like WOW nintendo got a hold on konami… and i assume thats because of MGS:Twin snakes when it was released on the GC got Nintendom some rights to the charecter…

and i have to say i saw the demo for the PS3 motion controller… its a disgrace IMO to the WII-mote… just a slap in the face saying we can do that too… but no where near nintendo in an way shape or form…

you forgot zero suit samus :slight_smile: i made a pretty large post above about this. :slight_smile:

agreed. In a recent interview with Miyamoto and Sakurai, this question was asked:
Did Nintendo approach Konami about putting Snake in Super Smash Bros., or was it the other way around?**

Mr. Sakurai: Actually what really brought about the Snake character goes back to a conversation I had back when I was developing Smash Bros. for GameCube, when Hideo Kojima contacted me and practically begged me to put Snake in the game. But at that time we were already deep in development and I was thinking that we weren’t going to be able to get him in there. I told him that it was too bad he hadn’t brought it up earlier, and that was the end of the story.

When this project came up, because I had been in contact with him back then, we re-initiated talks and decided to put Snake into the game.

Mr. Miyamoto: Mr. Sakurai’s discussions were really more on a personal level with Mr. Kojima than on a corporate level. But obviously a lot of people have been interested in getting other characters in the game. A big part of it is having someone that you can trust to take care of your character and make sure that it turns out well. There are possibilities for other characters to appear in the game as well, and it’s possible that there are corporate discussions going on now about what other characters may appear. But, maybe we’ll be talking about that another day!

SSB:B is going to turn out to be one of the best Wii games, IMHO. And the online is going to be absolutely amazing!!!

What he meant was that Nintendo has a higher percentage of children’s games than say Xbox 360 or PS3. That cannot be questioned or disputed, yet it is not saying it is a children’s console because there are some great games on the GC for the older audience.

As to ^ SSB:B of course it is! Look at SSB one of the best on N64, SSBM one of the best on GC.
Not saying that is a bad thing, I love SSB.

He just said SSB:B online =X aH!!! lol…

so E3 is over =( and i was overwhelmed with sadness last night… so what is everyones overal feelings of E3… favorite console and favorite game… ???

The Wii hands down for an overal console… as for games… Gears of War… im a huge FPS fanboy and think this will reclaim the 3rd person shooter genere that heavily needed some working on and a new game to boot!.. Gears of War would be the main reason for me personally to go pick up an Xbox360… YAY CLIFFY B!!!

>_> You dork. Haha. I love you anyway. The name STILL annoys me, and my cousins. They refuse to say it. It’s still the legendary Revolution to me.

My roommate attended E3 thanks to his work. I thought I’d take the liberty of sharing a few pictures with you guys. Check them out here: http://albums.photo.epson.com/j/AlbumIndex?u=4225963&a=32180440

Nintendo has way too many kid type cartoony games, and X-Box is just the new kid on the block who just made it big cause it’s backed by Microsoft.

Come on Elgin. Snake vs pikachu. Snake vs. Jigglypuff. Snake vs. Mario. Snake vs. Kirby. It doesn’t get much better than that. You get to pretend your a surgeon with the Wii. Does the Xbox 360 and the PS3 let you do that. No. The DS lets you protend your a lawyer. Does the PSP let you do that? No. You get to paint with Bob Ross. :confused: :confused: Does the Xbox 360 and PS3 let you do that? No but then again… Does the XBox 360 and PS3 let you conduct an orcestra? No. All I can say is wiiiiiiiiiiiiihaaaaaaaaaa

The DS also lets you join the cheer squad…

My favorite console, Nintendo Wii, without a doubt. And in an interview with Perrin Kaplan, she said that there are still more console secrets that they aren’t revealing yet! Nintendo completely owned e3 this year. E3 wrap up summary <- All the ign editors agree that nintendo stole the show. The wii page on IGN had has the most visitors during the week of E3.

As for my favorite, game, it would have to be Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I’ve always been a huge fan of the series, so playing it online is going to be awesome! The addition of the new characters is fantastic and mutliplayer will be the best, but they also are going to add a very “robust” single player mode, says Mr. Sakurai. So that should be interesting as well.

After E3, I think a lot of the public is losing faith in Sony. I was never a very big Sony fan. This E3 has only reinforced that thought for me.

$600 dollars for the premium full console. What are they thinking? Honestly. If you drop 600 dollars on the console itself, then Sony has just proven that they can sell a console at whatever price they want, regardless of what the consumer thinks. Look at the PSP - not as popular as the DS. I’m hoping and thinking we’ll see a repeat between the Wii and PS3.

Wii is innovation. Wii is the revolution. Wii is the next step in gaming. Nintendo is being innovative. Cudos to them - and supposedly at only $200? If this is true, they’ve made a console that not only can appeal to all audiences but can be bought by them too.

Xbox360? One game - Halo 3. That’s all it needs. However, I’m looking forward to Gears of War as well.

All in all, I really hope Sony loses a lot of sales, customers, and market share. I just don’t like them.

Their cocky attitude and their rabid fanboys don’t help with my lack of sympathy if they die out. I think Sony might actually lower the systems price before launch if they are met with weak demand, only because of how much is hinging on this ONE piece of hardware!

Acutally, just to calrify, each proc after the main one is a co-proc, so this isn’t a septa-core system. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, at the core of it is… wait for it…

A 3.2GHZ PPC! YES! The same that the XBox 360 has, only $200 more expensive!

That makes me giggle with glee on the inside.
To see those fanboys cry

Exactly, so why buy a 600 dollar ps3 or even the 500 dollar one (which doesn’t have any wifi?!) when you can buy a 360 complete with harddrive and just as much power for $400? I think a majority of gamers (who aren’t Sony fanboys) all lost a lot of faith in Sony after this year’s E3. And i doubt that they’ll lower the price, because if they did, then they’d most likely be losing a profit. Wii and Xbox 360 are going to be at the top of the market this gen. Wii has innovation and gameplay, and 360 has power and excellent graphics. Both systems will attract both casual and hardcore gamers. The only thing Sony has going for it right now is the PSP, which is still losing to the DS. poor Sony…
…well not really. haha :stuck_out_tongue: