Most of you know what an earworm is - a song that keeps coming back into your head. Many earworms are unpleasant. I don’t want you to post those! As many of you have figured out, the best way to chase out an unpleasant earworm is with an earworm assassin - a stronger earworm that is pleasing. Please post your good earworms, and earworm assasins only! I’ll lead off with my best assassin to date, and my current earworm I have no intention to purge. Links encouraged!
My Best Assassin: Swing on a Star
My current earworm I have no intention of chasing out: A Taste of Honey
Hey, I can’t help it if they’re both even older than me.
I visited this Fall the National Museum of Wildlife Art and learned Herb Alpert has a second career of painting and sculpting. He’s a talented person. Of course, I took some pictures similar to THESE official ones.
Since you asked we only post pleasant ear worms I won’t post my sure fire ear worms assassin as my strategy is to Introduce one of the worst possible ear worms that is so awful that most people have developed a way to clear it by will.
For those curious or morbid enough to figure it out it is a song from a Disney ride.