EasyC- Do we need an upgrade?

Hey There!

Just a few quick questions about EasyC:

  1. Team 852 purchased 12 seats for EasyC for Vex controller from the Intelitek website here.. That being said, is that version of EasyC usable with a FRC microcontroller?

  2. I know that 1 seat of EasyC PRO was given to us in the KOP, but we have a 5 person programming team. So, do we need to/should we upgrade to EasyC PRO, and if so, can we get PRO as a free update, or do we need to pay $100 a seat?

Thanks a lot in advance!


P.S. Any other comments on this same question would be appreciated as well. Thanks!

Any money spent on our web store for easyC software for VEX will be match dollar for dollar. So, if you bought 12 seats of V2 then we will give you 12 * $50= $600.00 towards easyC PRO. Aka 6 seats. Send me a PM with your info and I’ll hook you up.