EasyC in 2008?

Our team uses EasyC. It allows students to design algorithms without getting lost in the syntax. Coupled with Vex it has been a wonderful tool.

Does anyone know the future of EasyC in 2009? I have heard that it will not be around for the new FRC controller in 2009. What should my students be working on in the meantime?

I hope EasyC will still be around. It is a great tool and has helped me learn to program.

I’d like to thank everyone who supports easyC or was willing to try easyC if only for the sake of helping other teams. Unfortunately, we are not ready to make any announcements yet on what is in store for the future of easyC.

Stay Tuned! :smiley:

I am so glad you included this one little word!!!:stuck_out_tongue:

From the new control system FAQ:

What languages will we be allowed to program in? What language(s) will be used with the new controller?

C, C++, and NI LabVIEW will be available. Other languages such as easyC and RobotC may be supported, but no definite decision has been made.

My Question:
When will we know if EasyC will be supported?

My guess: When Intelitek determines the feasibility of porting EasyC over to the new platform.

I, for one, sure hope that they decide in the positive, since it is very valuable for us non-programmers. LabView is a reasonable alternative, but I still struggle with it.



It would be nice if they told us… EasyC is easy and quick for me, which is a luxury most other programming languages don’t have. However, I could switch over to LabView or C. The downside is that that’s more money that we have to spend.

Unfortunately the answer is already out. EasyC will not be used in the 2009 year.

From Bill’s Blog

The New Control System will be programmable in NI LabVIEW or C/C++. If you want to get a head start on the season, start brushing up on your programming skills. The new system won’t work with easy C.

See here, the first blog.
Bill’s Blog


That is correct we will not be able to release easyC this year. We hope we will be able to provide easyC in future seasons. The structure of the C wrappers are very similar to easyC/WPILIB which can be used as a training tool for students who wish to learn to program the cRio in C this year.