easyC PRO Tutorial - Including the Camera

Including -

  • easyC Interface
  • Controler Configuration
  • Programming the Controler
  • Autonomous Programming
  • Using the Graphics Display to test the Camera
  • Driving with the Camera
  • Driving strait with the Gyro
  • Converting Blocks to C Code
  • Making “C” Code Functions in easyC

If you would like to see anything else covered let us know.

2007Workshops.pdf (250 KB)

2007Workshops.pdf (250 KB)

Tutorial Request:

May we please have a tutorial on how to build a dashboard viewer to center the joysticks.

Our programmer is having a hard time with the graphic display. The current tutorial utilizes the camera and is more complicated than what we are looking for.

Here is a sample that will show you what your looking for. I used a user code block to add
the %3d so it holds three places for printing on the graphics display. We are going to release
an update on Monday that will add this feature to the graphics display along with a few new
ones. :smiley:

while ( 1 )
            Joy1_X = GetOIAInput ( 1 , 1 ) ;
            Joy1_Y = GetOIAInput ( 1 , 2 ) ;
            PrintTextToGD ( 2 , 3 , 0 , "Port 1 Joystick X: %3d
" , (int)Joy1_X ) ;
            PrintTextToGD ( 4 , 3 , 0 , "Port 1 Joystick Y: %3d
" , (int)Joy1_Y ) ;

This is easy C pro? The version I have is a bit different. (instead of “SetPWM” there’s “SetMotor” and there is no “GearToothSensor” in my version of EasyC pro)

Can someone tell me how to do user functions and how to program a cmu cam with VEX on VEX EasyC version 2?

It sounds like you are using easyC V2, which is for VEX, and it’s not designed to work with the FRC sensors.

If you have an FRC team, they received a copy of easyC Pro for free that will allow you to program the VEX robot with FRC sensors. You can download a trial at http://www.intelitekdownloads.com/easyCPRO/

Other wise you can buy easyC Pro on http://shop.intelitek.com .