[ECDU]: good luck charms

starting something else.

Do any of you have good luck charms or not so good luck charms?

Corey driver of 25 has the cutest little pig that is good luck or sticky.
(sorry Corey)

For bad luck charm red high knee socks are bad luck for me. did not work at nationals or at PARC.

I always wear my red number 9 Bill Elliott hat, with all of the hat pins.

for me being on 303 i good luck charm is my 56 hat when i wear it back wards it is good luck or something like that. but that hat is one of the best hats i ever wore.

I believe 696 (including while I was driving) has never lost a match (sometimes when logically we should have) when the Rocky theme song “Eye of the Tiger” is playing. That song is magical.

that is awesome when your good luck charm is a song that gets you pumped up.

I had a Lego Darth Vader with sword and all, that I carried in my driver shirt pocket. Once in a while, especially during finals matches - my driving partner would pull “The Force” out, and place him up on the little ledge just in front of our controls in the player station. The miniature Darth Vader has been used by several different driver teams through the years on the team, and originally by our coach I believe when he drove in '97.

Umm ya-i do have a lil pig that i carry out with me every round or hand off to teammates or alliance members. And yes it is pretty $@#$@#$@#$@# cute. I also wore a busted ole black and white Puma hat, may it RIP though, i wore it and adjusted it soo much, the snappy thing on the back broke off :frowning: . So im in the process of fixing it, or just buying a new one.

At Nationals, i made our unofficial team mascot, Sticky the Stick. We were standing at the condiment stand at Starbucks before the Practice rounds. So i see all this lil stirring sticks, and was like ohh, hmm thatd be something fun to have. So i start taking handfuls of them and putting them in my pockets, hat, bag, just anywhere. When i got back to the Hotel room at around midnite/1 am, i start writing, Sticky 25 on everyone of em, mustve been around 400, and all in different colors. Was a pain to make, but just soo much fun handing out to other drive teams, they were soo perplexed.

what about your buddha shirt corey always wearing that shirt is that good luck?

ya that too. but now its got holes forming in it, lol. so i gotta get a new one.

all your good luck charms are falling apart. unlike my little Buddha necklace which is new but will hopefully work.

For me, blue hair is hot (told by me from several friends), but bad luck. My #8, red JR hat I started waring at RR for the first matches I ever drove. I have worn it to every competition since and to building this year. Very good luck, yah we lose here or there, but not as much as we have in the past. :cool: Also i wear THE SAME NECKLACES AND ROBOT CARDS I WORE FOR NJ. Kinda lost their luck after that, but they still hold a sentimental value.

yea that #8 hat rules. it did one hell of a job in NJ along with my robbe extreme hat or just 56 hat.