Eclipse error: image of roboRIO does not match plugin

We are getting this error below. This is on a virgin install of eclipse, FRC toolchain, and FRC update suite. We followed

We have tried to update the firmware, but only have C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\Shared\Firmware\cRIO\76F2\roboRIO_3.0.0f0.cfg, which is the same image that is already on the roboRIO.

C:\Users\STA\wpilib\cpp\current\ant\build.xml:190: Assertion failed boolean test.
Image of roboRIO does not match plugin.
Allowed image year: 2017 version: 8.
Actual image year: 2016 version 19.
RoboRIO needs to be re-imaged or plugins updated.

Eclipse is Neon.2, WPILib plugin is 2017.1.1

You need to use the 2017 RoboRIO imaging tool. It comes bundled with the National Instruments FRC Update Suite 2017. Reimage your RoboRIO with the new tool and the deployment should work just fine.

Thanks, Jaci. That was exactly it.

Please Help! I am a new mentor for a team with little java programming experience…

We had everything working perfectly and then updated the eclipse plugins to for C++/Java WPILib Update 2017.2.1 from 2017.1.1 and now get the following error when attempting to download our previously working program to the roboRio:

…current\ant\build.xml:330: Assertion failed boolean test.
Image of roboRIO does not match plugin.
Allowed image year: 2017 version: 8.
Actual image year: ImageRegExFail version ImageRegExFail.
RoboRIO needs to be re-imaged or plugins updated.

When simply reverting eclipse back to the older (2017.1.1) plugins, everything works fine.

What am I missing?
Thank you.

We did change how this worked in 2017.2.1 to address an issue, so it’s possible the change broke something in your configuration. Please PM me the sysProps.xml file (downloaded into the project directory) from when you use the 2017.1.1 plugins.

Hi -

For what it is worth, I am getting this same error with the 2017.1.1 plugin. It had been working fine for a day or two, and then (after leaving the programming laptop with the build team for an evening :slight_smile: it stopped and I started getting that same error. I have reimaged the RIO several times, deleted and re-installed the WPILib plugin a couple of times, and still have been unable to get past this. We finally commented out the assert in the build.xml to get past it. So I don’t think it is directly related to the new version of the plugin.

There seem to be other users having the same problem if you read the Java thread.
