Eclipse x64 bit C++ WPIlib plugin not showing up in Run As... menu

Hello again! Our team is trying to deploy code to the roboRIO using 64 bit eclipse and we have run into a problem: I have installed 64 bit java, 64 bit eclipse, the C++ toolchain, the FRC Update Suite and the WPI lib plugins for C++ and Java. It should work but doesn’t. The problem is that when you right click on the project and go to Run As… it only shows the Java WPIlib program.

Am I supposed to use the C++ Application? Or is there a WPIlib C++ Run config? I also can successfully build the program, I just can’t deploy.

Thanks for the help,

There is supposed to be a WPILib C++ Deploy entry, see

I saw one computer that had this issue at a Robot Quick Build session this weekend. I posted about it on the FIRST forums here:

Since you have access to a computer that shows the issue, maybe you could post there and FIRST could help troubleshoot.

There’s a bug in something with the plugins where once you do something with the Java perspective, eclipse looses track of the type of project and won’t offer C++ build and download. If you restart eclipse, in that case, the build options will show up again for C++ projects.

Thanks! I will try that as soon as I get the chance! I will report back with results!

Did you get it working?

Yeah! I tried restarting eclipse and it worked. Sorry for the late response.

I have an issue where
Run As –> “WPILib C++ Deploy”
is not an option.

I have re-installed Eclipse, the Plug-Ins, etc. several times to no avail. Installing the Java Plug-ins instantly gives me the “WPILib Java Deploy” option, but no amount of restarting or re-installing or update attempts will show the “WPILib C++ Deploy” option.

Had the same problem with a 32 bit system but after a remove/install of Eclipse the option was available. I had been working with sfx before the issue occurred.


I am having the same problem

In the run as menu i only have options to deploy java, i have rebooted and restarted and reinstalled but i haven’t seen the option to deploy as c++ available once

I am using the 32 bit version

What if you drill down to “Run As…” by right clicking the project folder? That’s where it shows up for me.

I only get the C++ deploy when doing this. The Run As… via the Run menu never seems to provide the same option. 64-bit machine.

That is what I was referring to, right clicking on the project folder and going into Run As only has options for local C++, WPI Java deploy, and WPI Java sim

I have to run Eclipse as an administrator for Deploy to show up in the Run As menu.

Right clicking on build and running it as ant is working for me, I hope that won’t cause any future problems

We were having this problem as well and were trying for hours to fix it, we finally uninstalled the toolchain, went to window > prospective > reset prospective, than we reinstalled the toolchain.

I faced the same problem on my Mac but was able to fix it by just resetting the Perspective in eclipse: Window -> Perspective > Reset Perspective.