edu bot helP???

I was playing with the EDU Bot today, and i couldn’t get it working.

Can anyone give me a basic rundown of how i should start with the EDU bot?

Start off by following basic instructions about hook up. To figure out where to put your Joysticks, refer to the Default Code Reference Guide for the Edu robots, I think there’s one at
That will tell you which PWM’s you want to use to control your motors, and which joystick port will correspond to them. Just make sure to have the switch on Tether when you’re using the cable directly, and on program when you’re using the built in radio.

yah i did that…

i think my robot’s messed up, i got the whole team to look for stuff…

we’re sending the EDU bot back, possibly

If you let us know more on what is wrong we might be able to help.

isn’t there a edurobtoics primer site…its a site that walks through the edurobtoics kit i think

its kinda late to play around with the edu robot. Though visit the site for more info on the kit.

yeah. i solved the issue a long time ago. the problem was that the team number must be set as 0-1 or else the thing screws up, which was kinda wierd.


*Originally posted by yangotang *
**yeah. i solved the issue a long time ago. the problem was that the team number must be set as 0-1 or else the thing screws up, which was kinda wierd.

–yang **

s’all good… but the edu robtoics kit always keeps the electrical people busy in the beginning of the build

I actually found the EDUKit more burdensome than helpful… it’s just not enough like the real bot to make the thing work, plus it’s hard to configure, in most cases, to the way how you want to prototype your robot to be.

(excuse me for run-ons) :smiley:

I disagree about the EDU kit. I’ve seen a lot of people express negative opinions about it here, but I don’t know how the kids would have finished without it. The real robot is not quite ready to roll yet, so they’ve spent the last four weeks developing and debugging their autonomous code with the mini-bot. All signs point to it scaling nicely to the real robot.

It was a major PITA to get it together, but mostly because of poor planning. I would much rather chase a 2 lb. robot around a 1/3 scale course than wrestle with a 100 lb. robot. I give it a B.

*Originally posted by seanwitte *
**I disagree about the EDU kit. I’ve seen a lot of people express negative opinions about it here, but I don’t know how the kids would have finished without it. The real robot is not quite ready to roll yet, so they’ve spent the last four weeks developing and debugging their autonomous code with the mini-bot. All signs point to it scaling nicely to the real robot.

It was a major PITA to get it together, but mostly because of poor planning. I would much rather chase a 2 lb. robot around a 1/3 scale course than wrestle with a 100 lb. robot. I give it a B. **

i agree… but then the significance of the edu robotics kit descreases suring the build… i won’t use it for protoyping tho